12---New Light

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A final sacrifice....and the Last of the crystal, the ring of Lucii shatters to pieces.

After ten long years, the sun begins to rise... the Light slowly shines upon the world.

Daemons fade into dust and the beauty long forgotten has risen again...

Prompto---" It's over, Noctis really was the chosen one, wasn't he?"

Gladio putting his heavy sword on his shoulder, "He sure was, we made it long enough to see the sun rise."

Ignis---" I may not be able to see the sun, but I can feel it. Oh how I've missed the warmth."

Prompto---" He was the best friend I could have ever asked for, a true King and yet he treated me the same as everyone else."

Gladio slaps Prompto on the back, "He was a good man, he will be remembered by us all."

The three men sit at bottom of the steps at the citadel. watching the sun rise they thank the God's that it's finally over.
Prompto---"Thank you Noct."

Ignis---"Let's go spread the news at Lestallum, although the sunrise most likely gives it away."

Prompto--" I want to get there as soon as possible."


The sun peaks gently thru the window and a soft breeze rolls in. The light curtains seem to dance and float with joy.

The sun light moves closer to the bed and reflects off the maidens long flowing hair.

Gently the rays kiss her face, her eye lashes seem to glow.

A hushed voice in the breeze, "Rise with the dawn, dear Issa."

Her eyes slowly open and her deep green iris' gleam with life.

"Where am I?"

*****A bit later
Prompto, Gladio and Ignis have reached the city.

"Aww man it's so bright! Look  Lestallum is coming to life!"
Prompto exclaims excitedly.
Immediately he runs down to the outlook to view the scenery and take a photo.

He heads down the stairs stumbling at the bottom, he catches himself on the railing.

He looks up  and sees very long silver hair gently whisping with the wind.

At a bench and resting her cheek of the railing by the edge of the outlook, a girl in a white gown.

Prompto sits there for a moment confused then she turns his direction and her gaze meets his.

He walks around to the front of the bench, he can't believe his eyes. This must be some sort of joke and not the good kind...

she looks up at him smiling. "Prompto Argentum, you have found me yet again."

He realises it is no joke at all.

Tears well up in his eyes and he falls to his knees.
Now looking up at her, "I thought you were lost forever.....Issa..."

Looking down at him She takes gentle care to wipe away a tear from his cheek,
"Even if I was gone, you would still have memories, the photos you have taken."

"Your right, these photos are great, but it's nothing compared to having the people I care about with me." Prompto says sadly, "Noctis defeated Ardyn but...He also sacrificed himself for us all.."

Prompto gets up and sits beside Issa on the bench looking out to the plains in the distance.

"He was your closest friend, I could see how much your opinion mattered to him, even if he pretended not to care. It's amazing isn't it, he gave it all so that we could live. A true act of love by the King." She says, resting her hand on his.

He pulls her by the hand into a deep hug, " Thank you, Issa. I will never forget him and.... I-I've never forgotten you."

It was hard for him to say those last few words.

Shocked at first, Issa feels that familiar butterfly in her stomache and her cheeks turn red.
So many times she fought these feelings to spare him of losing her, but now she is free to live and to love.

She slowly wraps her arms around his waist with her head pressed against his chest...
She can hear his heart beating fast.
His breathing becomes shaky and he pulls away...He always thought about the hurt she must have felt all those years. So he wants to do it right and be a gentleman to her.

"Issa, I never had the chance to ask you before...but...will you go on a date with me?"

She looks at him, her full attention on his face. From his messy blond hair, to his deep pleading blue eyes...

she remembers how he made everyone laugh whether it was at him or with him. He didn't know it but he kept everyone together, He kept the king going. Prompto kept Her going, he may have talked big but he made her feel like there was still good in the world. She never gave up hope.

"I would love to go out with you." She finally says with a smile.

He smiles back at her, "Maybe I can show off my gunslingin and this time I'll be your hero."
He jumps up and poses with a gun on his shoulder, his crown guard uniform makes him look like a true Crown citizen.

How handsome, she thinks to herself.

She laughs covering her mouth, "Perhaps you could teach me."

He glances down at her and finds a joy in his heart seeing her after all this time.

He leans in and plants a soft kiss on her cheek.

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