staying apart

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Connies pov

I walk into me and stevens room and i see steven sitting....looking at his phone. It was a picture of his mom. "Steven look, i just want you to know that it wasn't your fault about what happened there." I say putting my hand on the doorway. "I know it wasn't.............Because it was yours!" He said. "You! Didn't do anything!! YOU WERE SPACING OUT THE WHOLE TIME! HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID IT WAS YOUR FAULT WE UNFUSED!" He yells. I blush with anger. "M-mY FAULT!?? HOW CAN THIS BE MY FAULT!!? YOU DO KNOW THAT A GOOD LEADER SHOULDN'T BLAME THEIR OWN TEAM MATES!!??" I yell back.

" can you be a good friend!!??" she yells

"HOW CAN YOU BE A GOOD FREIND IF YOU NEVER EVEN HAD ANY    !"HOW WOULD YOU EXPECT FOR SOMEONE LIKE YOU TO BE LOVED!!!"  I yell in anger....we look at eachother in relation and Connie burts into tears....

"I've never met her but i bet you're nothing like your mother..." she said.

I say all of thoose rude things to her and i cover my mouth i. Regret then her whole expression drops from anger to sadness. She looks at me and a face full of tears appear in front of me. She covers her face with her hands in a cuff shape.....i try to hug her but she pushes me and runs to the cafe. She then calls her mom to come pick her up..............although her mom didn't answer i felt how close i was to loosing family.....and my friend.

I knew exactly what to do.

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