What's Under The Mask?

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I let people see the happy me,

The smiling and laughing one

But what if they found out,

It was just a facade

To hide all the hurt and pain.

Every time

I let someone in

They start they're work

At chipping me away.

From my mother

To my sister

Every pet I've ever had,

My brother,

And my stepmother.

My best friends,

My old homes,

Even the people I thought

I could trust the most

To never hurt me,

Yeah well,

I guess it's true what they say:

All good things do come to an end.

I can't take it

A heart can only withstand so much



And hunger for love,

Before it turns ice cold.

But everything,

Keeps firing at me,

Left and right.

'Til it all washes away,

And a cold steel facade is built.

Until it all freezes over,

And I just stop feeling

Anything at all.

You don't see the pain you cause me

You don't see the hurt in what I write.

I write to get away from reality,

Let my true self show,

I really don't know how else to.

There'll come a breaking point,

I don't know when that'll come

We never do.

But come some day,

It's inevitable.

I don't know what'll happen,

I only know,

It won't be good.

All the people who chipped me away

Will never know

It's all their fault...

'Cause I'm too nice for that.

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