Chapter Four : Broken Skin

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Zero Fujita POV
Same Day
3:56 PM

The laugh the male gave made my heart throb with pain. I understand that no one likes my singing but you don't have to be rude about it.

I get up putting my gloves back on. And walking up to the person opening the door more.

"Is there something you need?" I ask holding in my tears.

"No, I just heard your horrid singing so I just needed to check if you where okay!" He laughs.

My eyes start raining. I bite my lip trying to stop  myself.

Everything is blurry but I can see how much this evil blond enjoys this.

"I'm so very sorry, Sir!" I choke and close the door on his face. Sliding down the wooden cold door. Tears dropping down my face.

I hold my knees which are press against my chest, placing my dizzy head on my knees crying.

Well that boy was very kind!

Please go away..



No! Know go hurt yourself you worthless pig!

I obey to my mean voice. I got up from the door walking over to my desk. Ripping a drawer open, finding a shiny blade. Just my plain old rusty buddy, Bru.

I pick it up, it softly cutting my finger tips. Crimson red liquid drains out.

Keep going Zero. It feels so good doesn't it? Right Fag?

I feel my tears getting hotter as I roll my sleeve up to see other scars. Horizonal mostly all of they are.

I softly put the razor up to a healing part of my flesh.

I softly slide it against my skin. Opening lightly, crimson blood pours out.

I whine.

I end up spelling up the word : BROKEN

6 letters, nice.

I look at the time. It's been 30 minutes.

Feel better Piggy?

I don't answer.

The blood starts dropping onto the tile floor. Making a small puddle.

I whine once again as I have the urge to cut two more on my hand.

I softly pick the razor off the new broken skin. I harshly, deeply dig the razor into my skin on my hand.

I cry in pain. Making small noises as the blood rush out like a waterfall.

One, Two and then Three DONE!

I let my arm/hand bleed as I put my razor away.

I looks at my scar tissue. Sigh.

"Ugly" I whisper to myself as I looks at myself in the mirror.

Ugly is right PorkChop. Well I would say more. So you want me to name a few names I would call you?

-Worthless Emo

Oops the last one was two words sorry!

I start crying more falling to my knees.

I am a horrid person. I am ugly. Yes, I am gay worthless idiot. Yes, I am cutter, I am so fat, so that is why I starve myself till I feel less like a pig.

I barely get sleep. If I do I am lucky if it about an hour long because that is how long the tragic accident was....

"I AM A FUCKING BROKEN MESS!" I yell at myself. The words echo throughout my room.

Yurio Plisetsky POV
Same day
4:10 PM

Suddenly I heard a saddening echo from upstairs. So did Yuuri and Viktor because they started running upstairs. I don't know why but I found myself and the poodle running after them.

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