Chapter Seven : Falling Over Rainbow

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Yuri Plisetsky POV
Same day : At Viktor
3:30 PM

So after Viktor and I got Zero back to his home. Viktor took me back to school.

I couldn't get the rainbow eyed male put of my mind.

Once school got out my grandfather took me to Viktor. I didn't ask him too. I guess he knew. Plus he was already busy so.

I walk into Viktor house not minding to knock. Once I step my foot into the living room I see Zero laying on the couch.

The TV on something. It's looks stupid like a cartoon.

But Zero on the other hand.

He looks so done. But somehow very cute..YURI!

I close door behind me. Making Zero shoot up and look at me.

"Sorry" I laugh.

He nods. His black eye looks better. Wait why am I looking at him!

Zero rubs his head.

"Aw, bloody hell! Headache!" Zero groans. I giggle.

Zero stands up only to fall. But I manage to run over to him making sure he doesn't fall on the hard ground.


"Are you okay?"

Zero blushes and nods.

A couple awws appear from no where.

Me and Zero look at Old man and the Piggy on the stairs.

Zero gets up from my arms and grunts.

I feel a bit betrayed. And also angry.

"Pfft! That was so cute!" Yuuri giggles.

Zero growls like a dog. Or was that Makkachin? Probably Zero.

I don't say anything but damn do I want to!

"I think they are embarrass!" Viktor laughs.

Zero stomps making Viktor stop. Zero then runs away.

Yuuri follows. Viktor sighs.

"So Yurio."

Zero Fujita POV
Same Day : In his room
4:00 PM

I lock myself in my room. Sliding down the door.

Makkachin sitting on my lap. Licking up my sleeve showing my cuts.

I cringe. Feeling like a idiot.

"Zero?" I hear Yuuri say. But I ignore.

Yuuri keeps saying my name. But I keep ignoring. My Demon taking over.

They don't even care. They just wanted you because your worthless. They want to use you!

Shut up..

Stop liking that Yuri Plisetsky kid. He is famous, beautiful, and is straight. And you, your worthless nobody which is a huge fan of dicks!


Tears, I start to sob.

Look at that! Your crying! Know crawl over to your best friend : Mr. Blade!

I obey like a dog. I push Makkachin out of my way and stand up walking over my drawer.

I open a drawer too see a shiny blood stains blade.

I sigh. I rip my glove off Sebastian style. Then I roll up my sleeve.

I see my scars. My newest ones and my older ones.

I pick up my blade and softly put it to my skin.

*Sudden Knock*

I jump making the blade cut deep. I whine in pain.

"Hey Fag? You in there?" It was Yurio.

"Y-yeah! J-just a minute!" I cry. Like literally cry.

I try to find something to stop the blood I can't find anything.

I give up and put my glove back on and roll down my sleeve. The blood still draining.

I hurry too my door opening too Yurio.

"What?" I ask.

"Yuuri and Viktor were worried about you." I could hear that he was worry to.

"I am fine!" I yelp in pain but I manage to make it sound happy.

"Okay maybe you should tell them that." Yuri says.

I nod. But once he opens his mouth again I shut my door in his face. I don't want to talk at this moment.

"Hey! The fuck!" Yurio says banging on my door. Making Makkachin bark meanly.

I jump into my bed and hug my body pillow of Levi Ackerman.

I start sobbing again.

Yep, just slap the door in people face like always just pulling people away. Good. Nobody loves you anyway.

The words keep replaying in my head. Soon I am asleep.

Yuri Plisetsky POV
Same Day
4:40 PM

Everything in Zero room is quiet. I put my hand on the handle.

Will it be weird for me to make sure he is okay?

I open the door to see Zero sweetly asleep. I smile.

I walk over to him, sitting on his bed. I feel bit like a creep doing this but.

I watch him sleep. My stomach feels all twisted.

I find myself wanting to touch him. What the hell is wrong with me?

I softly push his hair out of his face. He looks so cute.

He Huff's and moves. His sleeve getting rolled up for me too see something so Gorey.

Cuts. Many of them. One of them are still bleeding.


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