Chapter Eight : Love

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Yuri Plisetsky POV
Friday, December 15th 2017
3:39 PM

I couldn't find Zero at all today? Did he stay home? Did he get hurt by Ross? I swear if Ross touch him I'll kick his ass!

Oh god. What is wrong with me!

I walk to Viktor house, slowly.

As I walk around in the cold. For some reason I image that Viktor, Yuuri, and Zero where beside me. They all looked pretty nice in the snow.

Mostly Zero, his black hair shining with snow melting in his hair. His rainbow eyes wondering around.

Just then I notice that I am at Viktor. I open the door and walk in.

Placing my jacket on the coat rack.

I suddenly hear foot steps on the stairs. I look up there only to feel my nose trickle with blood.

There stands a sleepy Zero.
In a white short-sleeve shirt that is way to big showing his long hairless legs. He then has white socks on that has two strips one red the other blue.
His hair is a mess. His eyes tinkling beautifully.

"Yuri?" He yawns sweetly.

I cover my nose. But the blood falls off my chin.

He then runs down stairs to me. Hugging me sweetly.

Not knowing why I hug back.

"Are you okay! You are bleeding!" He yells bringing me to the couch as he runs to get a wet cloth. When he came back, he sits on the couch close to me wiping the blood away.

I then noticed his cuts. Grabbing his wrist as he yelps.

"What are these?" I ask rubbing the marks on his skin. Seeing that some spell words like: 'IDIOT' and 'FATTY'.

"NOTHING! Why may you a-ask?" He says as he struggles to get away.

"Because... I'm worried about you Zero."

He stops and looks at me with total confusion.

"You c-care ab-"

"Yes Zero."

He then starts to cry. I pull him onto my lap and let him cry into my chest.

He then whisper the words that makes me flush.

"Yuri Plisetsky. I like you."

I pick up his chin and kiss him. To my surprise he kisses back.

His lips tasted like sugar and vanilla. Making me bite his lip hoping for a entrance.

Nope, no entrance. So I then run my hand up his back. Making him gasp. Letting me explore his mouth.

The sweet taste of sugar. I then lay back letting the kiss get deeper as Zero is on top of me.

I pull away. Zero panting softly but sweetly.

"Well....Zero Fujita, Will you like to be my boyfriend?"

Zero smiles at me. Kisses me softly.

"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend!"



Anyways, talk to you guys later feel free to text me.

I'm lonely.

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