Monochrome to Color

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Your POV

I run to Kaori's room. "Hey sister...." I went in only to see she's not there smiling.

"Oh yeah... You're not here anymore..." I walk into her room and looked at the posters she had. Mozart, Bach, Chopin...All of then we looked up to. And now my sister. I remember when she came home with Kousei Arima one time. I was in the corner listening. He sounded like a nice guy. I mostly shipped Kousei X Kaori. Watari X Kaori wasn't really cute at all to me.

"Y/n! You'll we'll be late for school! Let's go!" I turned around as I heard Kaori's voice. I shook my head and grabbed my violin. "It's time to go to school." I walk out of my parents' bakery. I look at the sky and sighed. "Life is dull without you Kaori."

*Time skip to school*

Kousei's POV

I was in the music room surrounded by papers. Did I fall asleep in here again? Before I knew it something hard hit me in my head. "OWWWWWWW!" I look at the ball and groaned. Tsubaki soon came rushing in. "Sorry Kousei!"

"Tsubaki you got to be careful next time!" Watari soon came in and smiled. "Hey guys!" I pick up my music and smiled. "Hey Watari." A silence hung over us. "How are you guys doing?" I looked at the music than the piano. "Okay I guess." It's been three months since Kaori died. I still kept the letter. I read it everyday since it's all I have left from her. I won't be able to hear her play again. To hear her voice. To even see her again. "We'll be okay. We know she's watching over us. She's telling us to don't cry and go on an adventure!" I let out a tiny laugh. "Yeah. You're right Tsubaki." A vision on Kaori sleeping in the corner appeared in my head. "Oh! I got to get back to practice! And Watari don't forget to take Seiko home tomorrow! You didn't do it last time!"

"I know I know!" I get up and go to the infirmary to patch up my head AGAIN! As I go to the infirmary I past a girl with h/l,
H/c hair. Her face reminded me of Kaori somehow. "I'm imagining things."  I walk into the infirmary and wipe the blood off my forehead. I later put a bandage over the bruise. I walk out and then saw the girl leaning against a wall. "Why does she look so much like Kaori?"

I look out the window watching the clouds. My world is dull again. It won't ever return back to the way it was.

Your POV
I walked past Kousei. Tsubaki runs up to me. "Hey Y/n!"
"Hey Tsubaki!"

"I found a way you could meet Watari!"

"Oh really?!"

"Yeah! Go to the Children's Park after school!"

"Okay! I'll see you there!" She runs away and I sigh. "I hope I get to see Kousei." I walk out of school and went to the Children's Park. The world was still dull. I took off my shoes when I came to a tree. I saw some kids playing instruments. "Hey there!"
"Kaori!" I stopped when I'm about five feet from the kids. "S-sorry. I'm not Kaori. I'm her sister. You see... Kaori died...." They stayed silent for a few minutes. "So....That means it's true. She really did die."

I pat the kids heads. "She would want you guys to keep playing."

"Yeah! Let's keep playing!" I took out my melodica and started playing. Birds flew around us as we played.  I soon saw a boy with dark blue eyes with short black hair and rectangular glasses. I soon stopped as he looks at me. "You're the girl from school." Tsubaki soon came running. "Hey Y/n!" Watari soon came behind her. "Woah! You're so cute!" I give him an innocent smile. "My name is Y/n Miyazono. Nice to meet you all."

"Nice to meet you too. WAIT WHAT?! Did you just say Miyazono? As in Kaori Miyazono!"

"That's my sister." Kousei's eyes widened. "And you're Kousei Arima." A shade of red swept across his face. "Yeah. That's me."
I looked at the clock. "Oh! I'm gonna be late!" I grab my violin case and ran away. "Wait up Y/n!"
We rush to Towa Hall (I think that's right.) Kousei stops in front of the door. "Come on Kousei!"

"It's fine I have to go home anyway." I went up to him and grabbed his hand "Let's go Kousei." We rush into Towa Hall.

A New Adventure Will Begin

YAY THE FIRST CHAPTER OF MY X READER! Sorry if it sucks. It's my first one. Thank you for reading my book

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