01. Sophie Parker.

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01. Sophie Parker.

As soon as my mother signed those papers she turned around not giving me another glance and walked out of the doors. My jaw dropped , how could she just do that? She just abandoned me. I quickly learned that the man i had encounter wasn't just a one of murderer he was a serial killer traveling all of sydney killing multiple people. Women , Men , Children... he was clever too clever for the police to ever catch. 

After a few minutes of me waiting in the station , the receptionist introduced me to a detective. She has bright green eyes , long brown hair and wore a grey pantsuit. She took me with her into her car and drove to her offices. A protection agency... she called it. When we arrived i got escorted inside the building where people were running around like maniacs. The atmosphere was loud and everyone was lost in there own conversations. There were clothing rails , and mirrors. With Male and females of all ages getting there hair cut , given clothes , and well given a new identity.

''Shelby Brooks?'' A male asked me , he was tanned and had curly black hair. I nodded slightly.

''No ... you are Sophie Parker from now on'' he spoke harshly. A man beside him began what looked like hacking into government records to create a new person for well me. He created me credit cars , drivers licences , ID , birth certificates everything to prove who i was.

I got sent to the next station where i women began furiously cutting my hair and dying it. I looked like a complete idiot. My blonde curls now black and straight. I got pushed through to the wardrobe department where they threw on a new outfit then i was kicked out of the building and pushed on to a mini bus filled with other people in the same situation as me. All i could think of was... my friends and my family. 

My parents would have to lie to everyone and tell them i've killed myself , and everyone else i've ever loved will be mourning the death i've never committed and ... Ashton. I wish i could just go back home and let him know. Let my mother know to tell him what really happened. I promised him i wouldn't ever leave him alone in the town we grew up in we both hated it and i promised i would leave with him as soon as we were old enough.

He'll foget me i'm sure... he'll move on. I told myself , i hope he does i hope he doesn't blame himself. I'll never be able to tell him how i feel... he will never know how much i love him.

Ashtons P.O.V

''Wha.. What do you mean?'' i spoke

''Mrs Bro-... Jane. Jane found her in the bat-''

''NO!'' I yelled , i would not believe that Shelby , My Shelby would kill herself , she wasn't weak like that. She promised me...

''SHE PROMISED ME!! SHE PROMISED ME SHE'D NEVER LEAVE!'' I yelled pushing my glass from the table. My mother took a step back as tears spilled from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around me as i slid down on to the floor fisting my hands in my hair and pulling harshly.

''I'm so sorry sweetheart'' my mum apologized running her hands through my hair and holding me close while i broke down.

Shelbys/Sophie P.O.V

*Present day , 4 years later.*.

I walked into my shared apartment kicking my boots off and greeting my roommate.

''Hey , there's some pizza in the kitchen'' Grace called.

When i was sent here , four years ago Grace was my 'protector'' i guess you could say? She was the person who had to take care of me for a few months but we ended up becoming best friends and well i've stuck with her for the whole four years i've been here.

I haven't had any contact with my parents , family or friends. I didn't see the point in upsetting them all and getting my old life back. I've made a new life here now as Sophia Parker. I have a great job owning a small bridal boutique in oxford street. I live in central London with one of the best apartments ever and i have a best friend who knows the past and doesn't hate me for it.

My appearance is back to the way i used to look no more of the ridiculous black hair that i was given when i had to leave Australia. I have my blonde hair back but its short and straight now i straighten it a lot. Whenever i have curly hair it just reminds me of the old me and i hate it.

Grace obviously knows everything about my past and finds it hilarious and crazy she said i should be a writer and write a book about it not that i will. Its personal you know? i wouldn't want anyone to track me down. As for that man who put me in this mess? he got arrested about two years ago... i'm not sure how long his sentence was but i assume he's probably out by now.

''So what you doing?'' i asked , sitting down on Graces bed nibbling on my pizza.

''Well , you know that band i loveeeeeeeee'' she exaggerated , i nodded my head.

''5 minutes of something?'' i recalled not really knowing the name , even though i should since that's all Emily talks about.

''5 seconds of summer'' she groaned

''Yeah whatever...''

''Well i got two tickets too see them tomorrow night!'' she squealed

''Huh? i thought they sold out?'' they had sold out because Grace had been angry about it all week.

''Yeah but i did some searching and BOOM i got us two tickets''

''Us?'' i raised my eyebrows

''Oh come on your not going to make me go on my own are you!'' she pouted blinking her eyes


''PLEASEEEEEEE, Not like your doing anything'' 

''Hey! How do you know that? I could be having tea with the queen for all you know'' i laughed

''Oh shut up!'' she laughed with me.

''Okay... i'll guess i can cancel with her and attend this concert'' i laughed.

''WOOHOO!'' She jumped up and down on the bed grabbing my hands and dragging me up and down with her. We both collapsed on the bed laughing.

Ashtons P.O.V

Four years.

Four years since my best friend broke her promise

Four years since she left without me

Four years since she killed herself

Four years since she was alive...

Yes i moved on with my life after a couple of months of grieving yes i made more friends , i dated other girls. But she ... Shelby was always in the back of my mind. I couldn't get over her leaving me like that. I attended her funeral and spoke a few words about her. Mr and Mrs Brooks left Sydney and moved to Brisbane six weeks after the funeral and we hadn't heard from them since.

Right now i was in band rehearsal with my best mates , Michael , Calum and Luke. It all started with them three guys doing YouTube videos and then i was invited to be there drummer and we've been together since. We've been hired as a support act for One Direction this year and we're just doing a few gigs here until the tour begins.

We have a show and meet and greet tomorrow and i don't really fancy doing it , tomorrows the anniversary of he... Shelby's death. I know i have to do the show and i want to i would hate to disappoint the fans but i just might not be the smiley Ashton everyone loves.

Why did she leave me like that?




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