Chapter 4

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So,uhm,a lot of youtubers die in this chapter,don't kill me if your favourite youtuber passes away. I'm literally subscribed to all of the 'reaped' youtubers and the death order from here on untill the end is completely random. Ok,now,enjoy the story lol.

Shane Dawson's POV

A loud knock on my door awakens me. I keep my eyes closed and I mumble something like "I don't want to wake up." I try hard enough, I open my eyes and look around my room. In bed with me is Lisa,my girlfriend. On the floor I see Brittani,Shanna,Joey and Bree. Why are they all here? 

And then I remembered. The Games. They would start today. Someone knocks on the door again,bringing me back to the present. I get up,stretch my back and walk towards my door. Everyone here is slowly waking up. 

I open my door with a sleepy "What?" and I see a severe looking man. "Hello Shane Lee Yaw,you are adressed to be ready within 30 minutes. You will take a plane ride with..." he looks through his papers, "Bree Essrig." "Okay..." I mumble. "Be ready by then and don't forget, Save Yourself!" He walks away with te same stern look as when he came here.

I go back to the now fully awake people in my bedroom and say:"We'll be taking a plane ride in 30 minutes,so everyone,go to your room and get ready. I'll be flying with you,Bree." Everyone got up and left. "I'll see you in the arena?" I ask my girlfriend. "Yes..." She answers,pecking my lips and leaving too. I sigh,not trying to think that one of us could not survive today.

When everyone was ready,and with everyone,I mean all 30 of us, they put us in cabs with two to the airport. Your partner was also the one you'll be flying with,so my partner was Bree. The ride as very awkward,but I think you'd understand. This might be the last time we see eachother. I'm actually really blessed to have Bree as my partner. She's an ally of mine. I think it would be a lot more awkward if I sat here with one of the Brits,when our plan was to kill them first.

When we got onto our private jet,me and Bree had our phones taken away,so we would not be able to contact one another once we're in that arena full of youtubers,walking towards their death. And we both got a diffirent copartment,so that we could rest,and spend our last moments before the arena on our own.

When we reached our destination, everyone was told to go to a special catacomb with our name on it. I find my door,and walk inside. In this room,there is breakfast,wich looks delicious by the way,I love me some croissants and orange juice,on a white table. There's also a white chair,and on that chair clothes are draped,wich I probably have to wear. There's also an elevator. I guess that's where I have to step in to enter that arena.

I sit down to have breakfast,and with one bite,I immediatly entered mmm-ville. These are good as hell! Anyway,after about 15 minutes of me eating,I hear a robotic female voice.

"Step into the elevator. 60 seconds to launch."

I make my way in and the doors close.

I would be lying if I said that I'm not scared. Hell,I'm almost pissing myself,I'm that terrified. But I don't,because I don't want to ruin these new clothes YouTube gave me. The outfit is a pair of jeans and a red T-shirt,with the YouTube logo in front and "SHANEDAWSONTV" on my back.

"10 seconds to launch." No. No. Nonononononononono.

And all of a sudden,I feel the elevator go up. At first,the light coming through when the doors open blinds me. I almost have the urge to step out,but I can't seeing that there's a glass plate standing in front of me,blocking my way out,but giving me enough space to take the arena in.

In front of me,I see a huge,bright red object,kind of like a horn. Inside and around it are all sorts of backpacks and weapons. I notice a small brown backpack not too far from here. That one's mine. We are inside what seems like a huge office,but instead of a roof there's a huge hole,and through that hole,sunlight is shining. To the left,I see that there's a whole wall missing. I see some old buildings and a big one at the horizon. It looks like a mall. And everything looks so old and damaged. These are ruines from a city,of at least what used to be one.

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