Chapter 5

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Tyler Oakley's POV

The tears kept coming.

I looked over at Troye,and he too had watery, red, puffy eyes. So many of our friends died today.

I can just think of when I was so nervous to meet Jack, or my collab with Alfie. My intense friendship with Louise. Tanya's warm smile. Mamrie's hilarious puns. Even thinking of Marcus's butt hurts. They're all gone. Dead. Like they never existed. Just swiped off the earth for entertainment of others. And like that, I became incredibly angry. 

This evenement was wrong. Very wrong. But was there anything I could do about it? Not really I think.

With my sudden anger fading away slowly, I started thinking about the living Brits. I think it's just 2 of them now. Finn Harries and Zoe. Finn lost his twin brother. I can't imagine how hard that must be. And Zoe must have a hard time too. Her long term boyfriend, Alfie, and her best friend, Louise, where the first 2 youtubers to die. I suppose she isn't taking it well, because I witnessed it happen. As soon as it happened, the spark in her eyes disappeared, she grabbed a knife and threw herself on top of BLT, stabbing her non-stop, until she was dead. 

I think it was a smart idea sticking with Troye only. The alliance of the Brits didn't work out obviously. Only two of them survived the first day.

I wake up from my thoughts when I feel Troye snuggle up on my lap. I wrap my arms around him as tight as possible, not planning on letting go anytime soon. 

Even though I'm supposed to stay awake, sleep wins from me.

The dream I had was torturing, saddening and comforting at the same time.

I was with all the dead people. We were in a big white room, not doing anything in particular. I talked with Louise, drank with Mamrie and laughed with Marcus and Alfie. I drooled over Jack and Ryan. It was a good time. But it was all a dream.

I wake up immediately when 2 canons could be heard.

Hannah Hart's POV

"Please save me! Please! I beg you! Grace, we're friends! You can't kill me! Please! Let me join you guys! I can come in handy! I'm small, I'm fast! Please! I beg you once again!!"

With these words, Zoe starts crying. I sniff rudely. I never really liked her to be quite honest. She seems like an attention seeker to me. But Grace loves her. Grace looks at me, and asks me to save her with her eyes.

I nod quickly and say: "Fine. But you listen to us and do as we say. Complain once, make us lose someone or do something to sabotage us and you're dead, just like these two. Got that?"

I point at the two dead bodies behind me. You got Finn, the last Harries twin. When we found this alliance inside one of the buildings at the main street, I grabbed my metal whip and whipped it against his head. He collapsed and died short after of blood loss. The other body is Connor Franta, everyone's favourite. When he and Zoe noticed our presence (which wasn't very difficult,considering we just killed one of their allies), Colleen attacked him with her laser blades. It appears he had a weak heart,because his eyes rolled away almost immediately. And here we are now.

"Let's go before anyone finds us because of your pathetic whining." I say and we leave. With we, I mean our alliance. You got me, Grace, Colleen aka Miranda Sings and GloZell. Oh, and Zoe too.

Lisa Schwartz' POV

"Let's settle down an eat, I'm getting quite hungry. We've been walking all day around here,but there's obviously nobody in this god damn mall." I say.

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