Welcome to the Mystery Hotel

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I just wanna say a few things. One, yes this is the same chapter in my ome shots book. Two, I will be updating this as much as possible, knowing that I am very behind. Three, cover art I just edited by me, all credit goes to original artist. Four, I hope you all enjoy!

The sun set was behind the red haired girl, shining light red and pink rays across the sky.

The girl had been traveling for hours and had come across no signs of civilization except a large building in the distance. A sigh left her lips as she got closer, glad she found this place before nightfall. She walked up the very fancy steps and into the courtyard.

Bushes and flowers fit nicely with the large space. But the young girl thought it was extreamly quite for a hotel. She quickly opened the doors to a grand lobby, a giant shinny chandler hung from the ceiling and benches were placed perfectly in the given space.

The girl questioned why no one else was in the lobby, but something moving caught her eye. A man was at the desk working on his computer. She was glad to see another human in such a long time.

She walked up to the desk and coughed softly. The man looked up and smiled. "Hello." He said. Instantly the man felt off towards the girl. He had ginger fluffy hair and a stubble growing on his chin.

"Hi!" She said, trying to be nice to this person. "I'm Shelby and I was wondering if you have a room I can stay in? I know I don't have a reser-" The typing a computer cut her off, "We have many rooms." He said with a low voice that sent chills up her spine 

"Well, do you think I could stay in one? Please?" She asked. "This is the only place I could find for miles." The clicking of the keys stopped. Shelby looked up and saw dark brown eyes staring right into her own.

"Of course Miss. Grace." She smiled gratefully but was thrown off by her last name, she didn't tell him, did she? "But first, let me give you a tour." He said calmly.

He showed her through the kitchen, lobby and the ins and outs of the hotel. "And now the rooms, this one, Room 0, is mine." He said calmly. Little purple particles flowed in and out through the door, catching Shelby's attention. "Uh, what's that purple stuff coming out of your room?" She asked. "Why don't you find out~?" He said with a silky voice. Shivers coursed through the girls body by the voice but opened the door all the same. Suddenly darkness covered her vision.


Shelby woke up, not to long after. He vision was blurry but she soon relied that she was not in the hotel in any more.

Fires raged around her while lava pored from natural structures. She didn't know what to do until she saw the back of the man, the man who was at the counter. "Oh! It's you thank goodness I-" She paused. He wasn't the same. A small thin red pointy tail swished near his ankles.

"Who are you?" She asked, trying to keep her voice calm. "Hehe..." He chuckled. He then turned around and looked at the red haired girl. The man had pearly white eyes, almost as white as the myth Herobrine. Large yellow-ish horns came out of his darker red hair.

He smiled at the girl, causing his sharp canines to show. Even in the dim lighting, she could tell they were sharp. His skin now had a red tint to it, contrasting it to Shelby's.

The girl stood there horrified, unable to speak. "Just call me..." He hesitated for a few seconds. "Mr. Z"

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