Chapter 2 My life.

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I woke up this morning to screaming and banging on the door. Not again i thought sighing to myself as i dragged my sore body out of bed, wincing with every move. I'd just about managed to sit up as the bangs increased and I heard shouting."SKYLAR YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW BEFORE I GET THE BELT."

I rolled my eyes ignoring the threats i didn't really care anymore none of it could be worse. My dad had always hated me. I start to think of how he told me he hated me and loved my brother and sisters.

Do you know how much that hurt to hear your own dad say he wished that your mother had got rid of you and then hit you, yelling curse after curse about how muh of a disgrace you are.

My life was at a standstill never getting better, most of the time just staying the same or getting worse, Its not like it just happened at home though so i can never get away from the pain and torture.

I felt tears run down my cheek as i thought about everything, No i told myself i can't ever think of that again.

Rubbing my eyes I pushed forward only to come to a solid chest. Crap. I knew that i wouldn't be left alone just for once.

I looked up and there was my dad belt in hand. "Who the fuck said you could ignore me bitch." He scoffed and hit the belt across my face.

I jumped up and tried to run away as the burning sensation got duller, sadly i was to use to it by now. He grabbed me by my hair and pinned me to the wall.

He started to hit me with his belt then through me to the floor delivering blow after blow to my ribs. He left after half an hour of torture half way through he got a cigarette and gave me many burn across my thighs,chest and arms.

I felt the urge to find my blade so I did and I let it dance across my skin smiling as I saw the beautiful crimson liquid poor from my wrist. "Hello there best friend." I smiled.

I ran the tap and cleaned it off wrapping a fresh bandage around it.

Tomorrow is going to be better...I hope. Who am i kidding of course it won't be.

I stripped and had a very short shower wash and did my hair and make up before getting dressed.

After quickly looking myslef over and deciding I looked ok I went downstairs and to the second hell hole, school.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING YOU LITTLE BITCH." My Father demanded. My lips started to quiver and I just went numb my blood went cold. "I um to school Dad." I mumbled softly trying not to anger him.

My mom stepped into the hallway where me and my father were she sneered at me and looked at her husband.

"I HOPE YOU DIE AND DONT COME BACK SKYLAR. " I bit my lip as I tried not to let what my Mom said get to me.

Looking around I got my phone out and plugged in my earphones My parents didn't care about me so I had to save up I just about had enough to afford this piece of crap.

As soon as I got near school I put it away and put my head down I tried to get by unnoticed but it didnt work.  "Hey emo faggot thought you cut too deep last night we were all hoping you were dead already so we wouldn't have to see your ugly fat self around here. "

Brittany laughed she's 16 and in the cheer squad platinum blonde hair has big boobs she's orange has a boyfriend and she always picks on me. I tried to get past but she shoved me into the lockers.

"Listen here you little bitch I'm gonna make your fucking life hell."I tried not to cry as I fell to the floor geting kicked,punched,slapped,stood on and spat on.

Once I knew they were gone I ran into the bathroom and cut. "I'm Sorry BVB you helped me but tonight im goingto do it." I smiled at the thought of dieing it seemed nice.

The school day went by rather slowly  I had my head shoved down the toliet,beat up and other stuff so basically the usual.

I went home to my father and mom waiting for me I tried to run past them and to my room  but I couldn't get passed because they grabbed me and threw me to the floor.

The women i called mom trod on my ankle and i think she snapped it whilst my dad kept kicking me in the head and chest then stood on me.

This happened for 1 hour where i just lay there wishing i was dead while they beat me.

When they where done with me they left me there shaking uncontrollably. I just lay there for a little before I  dragged my aching body into my room and got changed.

I sat on the edge of my bed tears running hysterically down my face, I picked up evrything I would need tonight.

Tonight was the night I was finally going to be happy. Tonight was the Night Skylar Leigh Rodriguez dies.

*Andy's POV*

"Ash get ur naked but out here now." I laughed as he sauntered out acting all gay and sexy.

"Well hello there handsome wanna have more fun baby." He asked coming and sitting on my lap as i pushed him off laughing. "Ash dude what the fuck. Get the hell away from me, oh dude why has cc and jake got a bra on its kinda disturbing especially the way they are lieing."

He laughed and walked away I decided to get them up so I got a bucket of ice cold water and tipped it on them I swear you have never seen two naked dudes wearing bras scream so loud and run so fast. "Aggghhhhhh ANDY YOUR FUCKIN DEAD BIERSAcK." I just smirked and looked outside we are finally at our next venue in Calli it felt good to be home.

*4 hours later*

"GOODNIGHT YOU CRAZY MOTHERFUCKERS" I screamed as I ran off stage god I needed air. I slipped outside and saw a silohette. A girl i think.

From what I could see she was extremely skinny and short. I slowly walked over as her back was to me, I was curious as to what she was doig and as I got behind her I gasped...

*Skylar's POV*

I snuck out and ran into an alleyway a little ways from my house. I was finally goig to do it end everything all the pain and suffering.

I started to get everything out as i stood looking over it all before picking up my blades,I looked around nothing I smiled. I cut my wrists,legs and stomach.

Whilst I was cutting I heard someone gasp from behind me scaring me,as I turned to see who it was my breath caught in my throat as i shook my head.

"No,no,no oh my god Andy..." I mumbled under my breath.

  Just when i though i was finally going to be happy in sweet eternal bliss. He had to show up my saviour.  I need to end it but not with him here.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked sadly looking at me as a few tears escaped my eyes.

I shook my head seeing black spots as i smiled. "Finally free." I whispered as i let the darkness take over me.


Hello everyone this is my story that i am editing i hope you enjoy it thanks for taking the time to read it

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