Chapter 3

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About 2 hours passed and we were at the airport!! "OMG Mom are we moving to a different country?!" I asked in excitement. "Yes we are Megan!" She smiled. Madison and I screamed! We got out of the truck while the drivers took our stuff to load it onto the plane. We walked in and went through security and all that stuff. When we got on the plane I started freaking out!! I tried to stay quiet which was difficult but I managed. I sat down and listened to music. The plane trip was about 3 hours long. We went from Boston to who knows where! I can't recognize the place. Where are we? We got off the plane and loaded our stuff into new trucks. We got in one of the trucks and went to our house. The ride was about an hour or so. I asked Mom where we are. She answered, "We're in Trofors, Norway!" I freaked out and screamed at the top of my lungs. I'll get to see Taylor! I won't be alone at my new school because I'll have her! I'm sooo happy right now I can't control myself!!! Mom tried to calm me down which worked on the outside, but inside I was still freaking out!! When we got off the truck we help unload our boxes and put them inside. I looked around. This house was about the same size as our old one. I went upstairs and looked in the rooms there. They were a bit bigger than our old house. I can't wait to decorate my room! I grabbed my boxes from downstairs and put them in a room upstairs. Mom said I could pick any room I want so I picked the biggest room near the end of the hall. I couldn't start decorating yet because I had to wait for my bed frame and mattress to come up. I still have my pillows and blankets from the old house but I don't want them anymore. I'm only gonna use them until we go shopping for furniture. I just sat there and looked through my phone.

Taylor's POV

I looked out my window to see 2 trucks by the house next to me. Someone was moving there which meant that I would have a new neighbour! I saw 3 girls walk out of one of the trucks. One looked much older than the other 2, I think that's their mom. There was a little girl and one that looked about my age. All 3 of them looked familiar. I stared out my window for a bit trying to figure out who they were. I decided to go downstairs to get a better view. I looked out the kitchen window and saw that it was Megan, Madison, and their Mom!!! I screamed!! My little brother Griffin told me to shhh so I told him to shhh. "Megan and Madison moved and now they're out neighbours! You can make friends with them again!" I yelled with excitement. "Yay!! Madison!!" He tells and jumps around. Griffin is sooo noisy it's sooo annoying! I ran upstairs and got dressed.
                      Taylor's Outfit

I ran downstairs and I was about to run out the door when my dad stopped me

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I ran downstairs and I was about to run out the door when my dad stopped me. "Taylor where are you going?" He asked. "Megan just moved next door I'm gonna go see her!" I yelled. "Shouldn't you text her first so she knows you're coming?" He asked. "Ya you're right. I'll text her now!" I ran upstairs and texted her.






I ran to her house and knocked on the door. She opened it and we both screamed and hugged each other!

Megan's POV

I was so happy when Taylor texted me saying that I was her neighbour! I told Mom that she was coming over and she said ok. I heard a knock on the door. I ran to it and almost ran into it! I opened the door and saw Taylor! We both squealed and hugged each other!! I started crying and so did she. Tear as if joy of course! It's been 2 years since we last saw each other in person so what do you expect from us! I called Madison who came running and hugged Taylor. We went to her house to see her parents and Griffin. I couldn't wait to see the looks in their faces when they see me! We walked in and Griffin came running! He hugged Madison and then me! Then Taylor's mom and dad came to hug me. "It's been so long!" Her mom said. "I know! It feels like it's been forever!" I replied with a smile. I was so happy to be reunited with my BFF and her family!

Sry it's taking a while to get Marcus and Martinus in the story but I promise in chapter 4 they will be there! I can't help myself it needs to be very detailed for me! I almost got to 1000 words on this chapter! WOW! I might post chapter 4 later today I'm not sure yet! Thanks for reading!❤ 

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