Chapter Six: Attack

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It was midnight when we left the house. I was feeling out of balance. We had gone over the plan a hundred times but I was still afraid I might forget something.

A quarter before the moon reached it highest I would call out to the pack and wait for them to come to me. When they would arrive I would surrender and they’d give me Sebastian. Hopefully he would be in good shape and not asking any questions. Lea would shoot at the man holding him and Gina, as a wolf, would jump forward and carry Sebastian back to our house. Me, Lea and Will would make sure they didn’t get to Sebastian and fight off any wolves that might attack us.

But I couldn’t concentrate. I had dreamt about Ryan last night after I had gotten home. I had felt his soft lips against my neck. I had inhaled his sweet luring scent. Most of all I relived the moment he had let me go. I still didn’t understand why he had done it. I had been powerless in his arms and he could have had his way with me. But he had stopped when I begged him. Maybe there was some decency in him after all.

Sebastian was also on my mind. I was scared to death that the werewolves might hurt him and I longed to see him, hopefully in one piece. I was also scared about what Ryan had said about him. If it were true it could destroy our friendship and that was the last thing I wanted.

“You’re ready?” Will said and smiled excitedly at me.

“Yes, I am. Are you sure you’re strong enough?” I said concerned.

“Mia,” he said and hugged me. “Just because I’m your little brother doesn’t mean that I’m weak.”

I laughed and patted him on his head. It was better for him to be excited than scared. I just knew I would break down if Will got hurt because of me. I had told Lea to be extra protective of him.

Gina had been out of her mind the entire day and had had to call Sebastian’s mother, her good friend, Brenda and lie to her. She had told her Sebastian was spending the day and the night at our house with Rebecca and me. I hadn’t heard her make the call but she came out all teary eyed from her bedroom after she had talked to Brenda. I had put an arm around her and tried to comfort her.

I myself had been out of it most of the day too. I wasn’t sure what to feel. A little part of me wanted to surrender to the werewolves for real to save Sebastian but I was never going to do that. There was no guarantee Sebastian would have a better chance of surviving and I would be giving up. I didn’t give up. It just wasn’t in me. I would fight with every bone in my body before I would give up.

We ran through the forest on the foot of Luna Mountains. It was dark around us and I jumped at every sound. I had Lea on my right and Will on left and Gina besides him. We crawled into the forest and started walking up the soft mountains. Will and Gina stopped about a mile from the place where I was going to call out to the werewolves. Lea hid in a tree nearby and had sprayed herself with some forest-scent or something. She told me it hid her scent from the werewolves because if they realised she was there, the plan would fail.

I wandered around in circles for a while, waiting for the right moment and building up the courage. I wasn’t scared of them. I was scared what they might have done to Sebastian or what they could do to Will or Gina. Or even Lea, she wasn’t a bad person just deeply scarred and held a lot of grief. It was eating her up from the inside.

“HEY!” I yelled from the top of my lungs. “I’m here and I want my friend back!” I hummed so I could yell once more. “I’m here! And if he’s hurt the deal is off!”

I stood quiet and closed my eyes while I listened for movement. They were coming and a lot of them, maybe the entire pack. I counted fifteen sets of feet and one of them seemed to be limping or get dragged, that would be Sebastian.

Amelia Warren AullidosWhere stories live. Discover now