Hybrids: Fire and Air

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The amazing thing about the Primal Races were that they could breed with one another: fire and air, earth and water, air and light, dark and earth, the list goes on and on. And from them came spectacular new species. An endless variety of dragons could potentially be born into the world. More and more species are being discovered all the time, from the beautiful to ugly, complex to simple, from ordinary to just plain strange. However, it has been noted that some dragons breed more easily with each other than others. Fire and water dragons have a hard time getting along, as well as air and earth. But love conquers all, and dragons of these elements have mated before, and will so again. The hybrids have no trouble breeding with one another. Some of the most common are hybrids of fire and air.

Lightning Dragons: Lightning dragons are the most common hybrid of fire and air dragons. They have inherited their fire parent's spontaneous nature and their air's constant shape shifting. They can reach up to fifteen feet long and have neon yellow and electric blue scales. They have the power to not only produce electricity but transform into it as well, traveling through the skies at (no pun intended) lightning speeds. Lightning dragons loved cooked food, and will use their power of electricity to fry small animals and birds. They even eat fish from time to time, though this is hazardous to them for obvious reasons. Lightning dragons love playing in both the storms air dragons make and natural storms, causing bolts of lightning to flash everywhere. They can be found all over the world, usually at high altitudes and low valleys. These dragons cannot speak, and are difficult to train and tame, due to their free spirited nature. However, lightning dragons are fiercely loyal to their masters and friends, and will risk their life protecting them. Lightning dragons have short live compared to other species, only about a hundred years.  

Spark Dragons: Spark dragons are like ember dragons: small, mischievous, and playful. They can often be found around lightning and ember dragons, playing with them and pulling pranks on innocent victims. Spark dragons have red scales and yellow spikes, and are conductors of heat and electricity. One of their favorite pranks is going up to someone to be petted and delivering them a painful jolt. As well as electricity, spark dragons are also able to manipulate fire, starting small blazes in various places whenever it fancies them. Spark dragons absorb electricity from their surroundings, providing them with the energy boost they need to keep on going. Strangely, they hate plastic and everything that is made of plastic and will seek to melt them to mush. Despite their impish personality, spark dragons are very friendly and get along great with young ones, especially those who love pranks and tricks. They live up to sixty-five years and take a moderate effort to tame and train.

Combustion Dragons: Combustion dragons are the rarest and largest of the fire-air hybrids. As their name suggests, they love explosions of all kinds, but enjoy fireworks the most. Their appearance betrays that love, as their scales can be all different kinds of colors: red, blue, green, gold, purple, and silver. These dragons can reach up to twenty feet long and have a remarkable way of travel. Instead of using wings (which they have none), combustion dragons can dissolve into millions of multi-colored sparks and whizz through the air like fireworks. Their favorite foods include dynamite, C4, and other combustion materials. You can always know when a combustion dragon is nearby if you see fireworks randomly firing off from nowhere. Those are actually bits and pieces of the dragon's body exploding in amazing displays of light and color before reforming as the dragon. They are very vain creatures and often hold competitions against each other and other dragons on who can make the best display. Combustion dragons cannot be tamed or trained, but can be befriended. Combustion dragons live for up to two hundred fifty years before making one last dazzling display and disappearing forever.        

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