The Plant Hybrids

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Plant hybrids are the most diverse, the most adaptable, and the most fantastical of all the hybrids of the Primal Races. These dragons are found virtually all over the world, and make up a substantial portion of the dragon population. All retain their nature roots (in some dragon's cases, literally), and many of them are quite beautiful.

Lotus Dragons (Water and Plant): Lotus dragons are the most elegant of the plant species, and in some reports the most beautiful. Reaching up to ten feet long, these rare beauties are only found in desert oases. Their coloration ranges from light green to crystal blue, but all have streaks of vivid pink. Indeed, their tails are actually made of water plants and lotus blossoms. These dragons are gentle and shy. They only eat the lotus plant, as well as a few water plants found in the oasis. The remarkable power all lotus dragons possess is their ability to hypnotize animals and people. Some argue the scent is the cause of this mesmerizing effect, while other claim it's the dragon's beauty and a certain ceremonial dance. Either way, due to its elusiveness (and the rather strange fact that no one ever seems to remember where they have seen the dragon), taming and training has not been accomplished. They can live for as long as the oasis is in existence. If it dries up, then the lotus dragon will die, as the next one could be hundreds of miles away.

Pollen Dragons (Plant and Air): The pollen dragons are found in meadows and plains all across the globe, with large populations in North America, Europe, and Africa. These dragons are quite small, only the size of a dandelion seed, but travel in flocks of up to a thousand. Because of their small size, getting an exact description is difficult, at best. We do know, however, that they are very popular with the Fae folk, or fairies, as some people call them. Like plants, they get their food from the sun, and drink a lot of water for a dragon their size. Their flocks usually go where the wind takes them, so they are thus nomadic in nature. Pollen dragons actually do help spread pollen, as every flower they touch they duplicate the pollen on them, and spread it around everywhere. These dragons have the shortest lifespan of any dragon species, only about fifteen years. No human attempt has been made to tame or train them, though they are particularly fond of children.

Root Dragon (Plant and Earth): Root dragons are the only plant hybrids that live almost their entire lives underground. Their actual length is uncertain, as they have several, root like appendages, able to be used as limbs and seeking out water and food. Their scales are various shades of brown, and their bodies are very slim. They are one of the few dragon species that are actually blind. Instead, they use their "roots" as well as their incredible sense of smell to get around. Root dragons have the power to actually command plants to do their bidding, and regularly use that power to find more food or else defends itself. These dragons are very docile, however, but also very shy, making them a rare sight indeed. They can live for up to five hundred years. But, in death, they are just as amazing as they are in life. Depending on where they die, root dragon bodies either decay and provide a large boost in nutrients, or else it is actually reincarnated as a tree!

Love Dragons (Fire and Plant): Love dragons are the result of the seemingly impossible combination of fire and plant (for obvious reasons). These dragons inherit their fire parent's fits of passion, and their plant parent's plant-like qualities. The range in size from a few inches to a few feet in length, and have green scales with fiery veins in them. Eating everything from coal to saplings to small animals, these dragons have a powerful and unique gift. As the name suggests, love dragons have to power to make anyone (or anything) spontaneously fall in love with the opposite sex. Using a powerful pollen, love dragons often use their powers to encourage endangered animals to breed with one another. However, they are very mischievous creatures, and just as often use their powers on people as well. On humans, the magic of love dragons enflames feelings of love or passion and remove all inhibitions. The resulting scene is absolutely chaotic. The magic does wear off, but not before the dragon, and everyone unaffected, has had a good laugh. The only creature that isn't affect by their magic is each other. Much like how a scorpion is immune to another scorpion's venom, the love dragons' spell of passion doesn't affect their own species. Love dragons may live for up to three centuries, and are very difficult to tame or train. To those that do accomplish it, however, love dragons become powerful allies, and are invaluable to potion masters due to their pollen's properties.

Unfortunately, there are no plant hybrids with light and dark dragons. Those particular dragon species only breed with dragons that belong to the four basic elements. And in an incredibly rare case, each other. Or so the legend goes...  

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