A note on my phone, on a visit to the Magic Circle in London.
so i went to the Magic Circle w/ some of my family, and in the bar I witnessed the most middle class thing I've ever seen in my life lmao
So this guy was like to his family "watch, I'll do some magic. I will now make this beer disappear!" And with that he dOwned the wHOLE thing and everyone was laughing and his brother or something said "whoa! That's magic" and I'm laughing so much bc it's so typically English
Then for one of the acts there was a mind-reading person thingy and she picked on this guy in the audience and she was like, "You are in your favourite shop. What is that shop?
*pause as the dumb teenage boy-chav's pea-sized brain registers the situation*
Then the audience just BURST OUT laughing at this imbeciele and the woman was obviously expecting a clothes shop because the trick involved her guessing the shop, floor, isle, and item bought (GUESS WHAT! THE ITEM HE CHOSE WAS CHICKEN! BET YA DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING, EH) and it was just banter
29th December, 2016
Bazinga; Dumb Things I Hear in 2017
Юмор2016 saw the infamous quote from Tito, "The equator? That's the time-zone thing in Greenwich, right?" This year, I've decided to make a record of every dumb thing that I hear, in this book! Enjoy! This will also be a general ramblings book as well...