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-Brandon's POV-

I was wrapped from my neck to my toes in blankets, as it was one of the cooler nights of spring. My mind was at ease tonight. The warm chicken I had for dinner had filled me, and I was in no pain. It was almost as if I was back home.


I turned over to face the one who called me. It was Hayden, who was finally cured from his illness. He and Brent were standing over me. "We're leaving," Hayden told me. I arched my eyebrows, confused as to what I had just heard. "Where to?" I asked. Escape seemed bliss at this point, but somehow, I was catching feelings for the king. Hayden and Brent would kill me.

"The town caverns, we're meeting some people," Brent explained. Before I could respond, he jerked me out of bed and to my feet. I grunted in displeasure. "We'll get in trouble," I protested, and tried to sit back down. Before I could, Brent grabbed me again. "All you ever do is worry," Hayden told me, as he began prying the window open. "It's time to start living."

Hayden began kicking his legs out the window, before he slipped out. The ground must have been six or seven feet down, and Hayden landed safely. Brent began doing the same. "Guys," I told them, careful not to be so loud. "I don't want you to get hurt, please."

Brent fell out of the window, landing perfectly on the ground below. He and Hayden were ignoring me. "Guys!" I shouted, furrowing my eyebrows. I couldn't believe they were stupid enough to do this.

I stuck my head out the window, to see my friends hadn't moved. "Come here," Hayden told me, pointing towards the ground. I winced. "But-" I was about to scold him even further, before I suddenly gave in. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself out of the window.

I hit the ground, and Brent and Hayden gave me a look of satisfaction. "Look who's ready to have some fun!" Brent said happily, linking our arms. I faked a smile.

Maybe I'd die tonight, or maybe I'd actually have some fun.


"We've been walking for hours," I groaned, nudging Hayden. He sighed, letting his eyes roll to the back of his head. "We've only been out for thirty minutes," he told me. "We're almost there."

"Why on earth are we even going to the caverns?" I whined. Hayden and Brent groaned in unison. "Quiet, please," Brent told me, holding a finger to my lip. I decided not to speak any more.

For the next few minutes, we kept trudging through the wet grass and cool air of the day. Sunrise wouldn't be for a few more hours.

Finally, my question was answered. "We're going to see a few friends," Hayden told me. I squinted curiously at him. "Friends?" I asked. If they had made friends, then they had escaped more than once. "How many times have you gotten out?"

Hayden looked at me, a certain look crossing his face. I recognized it as the way the king looked at me. It was an expression of satisfaction. "More than you can imagine, and we've only been caught once," he told me. My lips parted slightly. "You never left?" I asked. For someone who has such a loathing hatred for the king, I was shocked one or both of them hadn't made the decision to escape yet.

"We couldn't leave you, Brandon," Brent said, firmly grabbing my forearm. I gasped slightly, and looked up at the two of them. "R-really?" Hayden nodded. "If we escaped, the king would blame you, maybe kill you," he said.

My mouth hung open. They knew nothing about my relationship with the king, apparently. Maybe that was for the best.

We turned around the corner of a hill, and I noticed a door on the side. "That's it," Hayden told me, patting my back. Brent went ahead and pried the door open, light escaping out into the dark woods. I could hear faint whispers and the sound of blazing fire. Brent held the door open, while Hayden pulled me inside. The inside smelled like smoke and alcohol. I gagged at the putrid smell.

"There he is!" A woman yelled, almost excitedly. It was as if she had been planning on seeing me. Perhaps Hayden and Brent told her about me. She had long hair, which appeared to have once been dyed. Blue and pink hues highlighted certain sections in her hair. "This is Caity," Hayden told me, pushing me forward. I gulped. It was likely all of these people would be beheaded by the king in the near future.

"Hi," I choked out, looking around the room. Everyone was staring directly at me. These were people who would blend right into the town square, and I would pass without a second thought. No one would even care to think they were rebelling against the king.

"So why's he here?" A gruff voice said from the back. My wife widened, and I jumped back. The man had tan skin, dark hair and eyes, and a thick beard that appeared to not have been cut in a while. "Quiet, Michael," Hayden told the man. The man, Michael, rolled his eyes.

I looked further around the area. It was an area the size of a regular house, with papers scattered everywhere and maps strung up. The closest one to me was a "wanted" poster, containing the face of the man that Hayden had referred to as Michael.

Criminals, all of them.

"This kid," Brent said, pointing to me, "is closer to the king than any of us could ever me." I swallowed nervously. I was here to be used. "Brandon," Hayden spoke, "we're giving you a knife." Everyone in the crowd watched eagerly, while I winced. "And he's going to stab the king with it," he said.

It took me a while to take this in. I couldn't believe my friends were using me for this. "G-guys, no," I whined. Tears were welling up into my eyes. I couldn't breath, I was panicking.

I let out a cry of pain just as Hayden gave me the knife. "No," I whispered softly, dropping in immediately. A sudden darkness began taking over.

What was happening?

I doubled over, and passed out.

(Soooo, I wasn't originally going to publish anything today, but here's a more mellow chapter so I can save the sad stuff and all for the next few.)

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