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Phil was in shock. He couldn't understand why Dan would do something like this.

He watched the ambulance wheel the body of his loved one out of the Apartment door and shed a tear.


Once the paramedics had left, Phil began to cry. He cried over the bleeding wrists of his boyfriend, he cried over the fact that Dan was going to kill him, and he cried over his poor mother's life. The tears came down like a waterfall; they eloped Phil's face and hurt his soul.

He thought that Dan would be happy to hear that she was alive; for his sake and for Phil's. But that was not the case.

Trying to get rid of his negative thoughts, Phil turned on the TV and switched channels until he found the news. His tears stopped and his heart began to beat faster than a train - Dan was right there - on the screen.

"And here is the suspect for the murder of Zachary White - the illegal slave trader and drug dealer. And while official's can't make out the face of the one responsible, they assume that it is a twenty five year old male with black hair. While they are working on that, I have a question to ask you all, shouldn't we be thanking the man that killed such a horrible person and set free many - "

Phil was hyperventilating. He didn't know what to do - what he should do. After a few seconds, he managed to calm himself down and thought about his choices. I could go and get Dan out of the hospital before they figure out that he looks just like the man in the picture or I could help him.

Phil staggered out of the building and into his car. Putting the key in took longer than usual because his hands were shaking so bad due to the fear that he felt. Once he got the car started, he backed out of the parking lot and headed west - away from the hospital and towards the blue and red lights.


Are you worried about Dan or Phil more?

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