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AUTHOR'S NOTE: okay so hi... it has been a while and I am low-key sorry for the long wait but I am an incarnation of procrastination so I can't really help it. Also, so that you guys don't have to waste time going back and forth between the chapters: I did not mention what types of tickets Dan bought in the last chapter. *CHAPTER IS UNEDITED so don't judge me too hard on the writing please I just wanted to get this out there, thanks*  

The darkness of the tunnel was long gone by the time Phil had neared the surface of the street.

The sunlight hit his eyes at such an angle that he had to look away. Dan followed his example. 

Without looking forward, the pair of criminals made their way down the alleyway and towards the dumpster where Dan had hidden the duffel bags.  

Surprisingly, there weren't any cops nor SWAT teams around. Maybe they haven't found out yet, Dan thought, knowing that it was probably a lie.

When the alley corner began to block out the sunlight, the men crouched down behind the dumpster and changed out of their old clothes and into new ones. Dan had picked out the brightest clothes they had because the police would be expecting them to be wearing hoods and black jeans. As Phil pulled out a blonde wig out of the bag, he almost let out a giggle before Dan reminded him of the situation.

Having put on their new attire, Dan and Phil stepped out of the alley and followed the crowd of the busy street.

Dan pulled two boat tickets out of his bag and handed one to Phil. As soon as the police find out about the escape, they will be stopping every aircraft leaving the city - maybe the entire state. They would also stop every taxi going and block off all of the freeways, forcing the couple to walk the long ways around to get to the boat terminals. 

It was a very quiet and fast paced walk because neither Dan nor Phil wanted to talk just in case a camera picked up their voices through the chatter of the crowd. However, they did keep close together, walking hand in hand so that they wouldn't get lost or pushed back. And just after a few minutes of walking, Dan began to hear the sirens in the distance. 

They picked up their pace gradually, pushing past the people in front of them with even a "sorry."

------------------Time Skip---------------------

By the time they arrived at the boat terminal, all of the main roads were blocked off with multiple police cars and every car was being checked at least twice. It got even worse when Dan noticed the police officers patrolling the crowds, weaving a path through the individuals and checking faces. 

"Shit." Phil nodded in agreement with Dan and looked at Dan to make sure that his black contacts hadn't fallen out. 

Using his "super-cool dodgy drug dealer tricks," Phil lifted his hand in a manner of wiping his nose - blocking off his whole face in the process. Dan copied the move when the officers passed him.

Reaching the boat with just seconds to spare, Dan and Phil showed their passes to the ticket counter and got on.

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