814 23 19

Sofia : I wouldn't 1-2 be a Dortmund fan right now

Reus : really?

Sofia : hahahah yep

Auba : it was a fluke

Weigl : yeah we deserved to win

Sofia : oh really?

Bartra : yep

Götze : so do you believe we're footballers yet?

Sofia : hmmmm not really

Weidenfeller : she won't and she never will guys

Reus : stop being so pessimistic Roman

Sofia : no he's right I won't ever believe you

Mor : whatever, we can still be friends 

Durm : um

Dembélé : emre

Kagawa : why are you flirting


Reus : ...

Götze : ...

Auba : ...

Bartra : ...

Weidenfeller : ...

Durm : ...

Kagawa : ...

Ginter : ...

Subotic : ...

Piszczek : ...

Dembélé : lmao why are we doing this

Castro : ...

Passlack : ...

Pulisic : ...

Rode : ...

Dembélé : okay can we stop this plz

Sahin : ...

Bender : ...

Schmelzer : ...

Dembélé : seriously

Sokratis : ...

Guierreiro : nah I'm not gonna do it

Dembélé :  🙏🏻

Sofia : y'all are so weird

Reus : lmao ikr

Mor : they all bully me

Mor : just because I'm small

Sofia : how tall are you?

Mor : that's irrelevant

Bartra : (he's 5'6")

Sofia : omg

Mor : we're gonna have issues Marc

Mor : I'm actually 5'6" AND A HALF

Sofia : Oh wow, that half really is so much

Reus : shhh stop bullying poor little Emre

Sofia : lmao no

Mor : They do this all the time

Sofia : and it's my problem, how?

Mor : idk

Sofia : exactly

Bartra : Anyway, how did preparing your 'actual' footballers for their 'actual' match go?

Sofia : Pretty good, thanks for asking

Bartra : No problem

Durm : such a flirt

Sofia : oh mein gott shut up

Reus : that's kinda rude

Auba : Yeah, we could get you in trouble for that

Sofia : for telling you to shut up? I'd like to see you try.

Schmelzer : as captain, I want everyone to shut up

Bartra : Yes capi

Pulisic : ^^ *cough* whipped *cough*

Bartra : Christian I stg I will beat your ass

Reus : (he's not lying)

Sofia : I agree with Marcel?, y'all need to shut up

Sofia : I think I got that name right

Sofia : Still working on it y'know

Auba : You had to remember the first name of the most boring person on the team, great

Schmelzer : excuse me

Schmelzer : Have you met Gonzalo? 😂

Kagawa : OK TRUE

Durm : he's probably reading a book rn 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Sofia : what's wrong with books tho

Durm : they're boring

Durm : talking to you guys is more fun

Sofia : debatable but ok

Weidenfeller : always got an attitude

Auba : Coming from you Roman

Weidenfeller : fight me

Auba : alright then bro

Sofia : this is just embarrassing

Pulisic : agreed

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