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"Did it hurt?Fuck yes

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"Did it hurt?
Fuck yes.
I had enough at the time.
I was bitter about it all.
I didnt know what to do.
I was young.
I could take it anymore.
Do I regret it?

So I thought of this thing where whn Shrig and Bitch were younger they always got misgendered as female
once they tried saying "heyo no thats wrong" someone threatened them and then they started to fear for their lives
and then one miraculous day Shrig got a binder somehow 
but Bitch couldnt afford one for himself and he started having a mental breakdown so he locked himself in a bathroom and ended up COMPLETELY mutilating his chest and shit
And then someone had to breakdown the bathroom door to see a giant bloody mess and a sobbing mess of a boy :^)

Ya know honestly,, I couldve just said "yeah bitch has a female body too bc hes literally the exact same person as shrig but just more of a bitch but he has a binder thats why his chest is flat" to explain the difference but nah I went dowb the gorey/edgy tragic back story lane

❝UNDERNEATH IT ALL, WERE JUST SAVAGES❞ ❯ ART BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now