feel like tumblr peeps r gettin sick of my pent content so ill put this here

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idk its from mcfuckin Emporers New Clothes from PATDits just a skeych ill finish it later

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idk its from mcfuckin Emporers New Clothes from PATD
its just a skeych ill finish it later

also!!!! djajfkhsjfjs I have this??? kinda cool yet kinda stupid yet kinda confusing in a way hc!!!
and i wanna talk about it djoabfksvksj
its about the void n shit (kh ofc)

like uhm
so we all know the void is like a physical space (wi th some p weird physics at times) rather than just
space itself
like people walked in it as if it had a floor?? (yet?? u can fall through it??)
instead of just?? floating ig idk
its hard explaining thid part

but????? uhm?????
so like with my hc??
theres pools of liquid and stuff!!
except its not water
its like
just liquid void (think of black paint!!) but!!
do not!!! touvh it!!!
bc it will literally jsut
destroy whatever touches it
not in like a violent matter but??
it makes it into a void as well?? ig??

like say u put ur hand in on of the liquid pools
hands gone
youll be able to see like an astral outline of it and itll be like a phantom limb and stuff inside the void
but as soon as you?? go out of it??
bye its literally gone until u come back into the void

did i mention that if it gets bad enough itll just seep into ur blood stream and start spreading until u just completely disappear and literally v one with the void and youll never be able to actually leave it

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