Chapter 3

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I was woken up by my mother the next morning extremely early to pray Fajr.

As soon as i got up all the memories from last night came back to me. I felt like crying again. It's true that I completely forgot about Laith until i saw him yesterday, but the moment I saw him, all our memories came back. We also used to be best friends before we confessed our feelings to each other. I still couldn't believe how good he looked. He honestly looked like an angel. Layal definitely didn't deserve him.

 Layal was a nice girl but she had been with over 10 different guys in haram relationships. Ok. I'm exaggerating but shes had more than one boyfriend before.

I decided i wasn't going to beg for Laith and If he wanted to be with me he'd have to earn it. I wasn't going to run after him (even though I really wanted to)

I still don't understand why he didn't even try to end things off with Layal, he just told me that "There was nothing he could do about it"

A terrible thought came to my mind. Was he all talk? Was the promise he made me just to get me out of the way?

No way. This was Laith we're talking about. He wasn't that kind of guy.

I decided to finally get up and pray, and then I got ready for school.


at school-

I saw Faryal and she automatically ran towards me, embracing me in a hug.

"How are you feeling now Ayah?" asks Faryal, looking concerned.

"Alhamdulillah", I replied,  "I decided that I'm going to act hard to get and see if he tries to get me back. It's up to him. "

I suddenly decided that I wanted some Tim Horton's. I dragged Faryal with me, even though she hates coffee. When we arrived Faryal decided to be a good friend and go inside and get me the coffee.

Faryals POV

I walked into Tim Horton's and the strong smell of coffee filled my nose. I stood in line and after a few moments, the person in front of me turned around and I recognized him as Laith.

Oh no, I hope he didn't recognize me.

Just my luck, he recognized me.

"YOU'RE AYAH'S FRIEND RIGHT?", he asked me, practically yelling.

"I have a name. I'm Faryal, and yes I am her friend." I replied.

"Okay Alhamdulillah. I've been trying to find a way to get in touch with her. I'm actually here to buy her coffee and I was just about to go to your Uni to give it to her with an explanation and an apology."

I couldn't help but mutter an "aww that's so cuteee"

He looked at me and laughed. "I woke up today and realized that yesterday i sounded so careless and like I didn't even want her back."

"well. she definitely got very upset. Between you and I, she cried herself to sleep." i tell him

"No way Faryal. I feel terrible now. I can't believe I did that." he tells me

"Alright, can you give me the directions to your uni? I want to talk to Ayah there"

I gave him the directions and leave without buying a coffee, considering Laith already bought Ayah one and was going to give it to her in a bit.

I got back to the car and saw a very confused Ayah. "Girl where's my coffee?"

"You'll get it in a bit, don't worry", I tell her

She just shook her head and we went back to our uni.

When we arrived, I saw Laith sitting on a bench, looking very nervous, holding Ayah's cup of coffee.

"What the hell? What is Laith doing here", questioned Ayah.

"Alright I'll see you in class Ayah, bye and have fun", i tell her running out of the car before she could ask me any questions.


Back to Ayah's POV

I was so confused at Faryals behavior. It's almost as if she was expecting Laith to be right here. I walked out, trying to avoid Laith but failing.

"Ayah. wait up please? I have a lot of explaining to do, and a coffee." he tells me, practically begging me to give him a chance to speak.

I decide to give in, only because of the coffee.

I sit down opposite of him and twiddle my thumbs together. "What do you want Laith?"
 I ask him, kind of rudely.

He hands me the coffee first, then starts talking.

"Ayah, Let me explain to you why I'm currently engaged to Layal. Basically, I wanted to move back to Ohio to go to the medical school here, but  my parents would only let me move if I got married to Layal. I don't know why, but they are both obsessed with Layal and you and I both know she isn't the brightest. I agreed ONLY so that I could move and come here to see you. I know it sounds hella messed up. Getting engaged to someone to be able to see someone else. Again, I know this sounds extremely messed up but my plan is to break things off with her in the next month or so at the latest and then- well only if you want, Marry you inshallah." explained Laith.

" Honestly Laith, I have no idea what to say. I would love to marry you and I honestly don't see myself with any other guy- but Layal is my friend and it would be so b*tchy of me to marry her ex. But I'm sure we can find a plan and a way to explain this to other people." I tell him.

He looks at me with a huge smile. "It's taking every inch of strength right now to resist hugging you. I know we haven't seen each other in 3 years but it feels like nothing has changed, You're still that sweet, innocent, forgiving girl I always loved." He tells me. " and on top of all that, you're also twenty times more beautiful than the last time I saw you in ninth grade, and that's impressive, considering how beautiful you were then" He tells me, smiling at me admiringly.

I smile back at him and then asked him what he was going to do about Layal.

"Don't worry about a thing Ayah, Layal will not be a problem for you in less than a week. After I get done with her, I'm going to come to your house and ask for your hand in marriage. Sit tight until then, Ayoosh." , he says using my nickname.

"Inshallah Khair", I tell him smiling and blushing at the nickname.

"Alright Salam Ayah, I gotta go to my University, see you soon inshallah", he tells me.

"Walaykum Salam Laith, see you around."I reply.

We both go our separate ways and as soon as I walk into class and take a seat, I'm flooded with questions by Faryal.

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