Scenario Six: Winter Fun

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Scenario: Winter Fun

Shu Sakamaki

It was only natural for you to like winter the most, because you were able to see beautiful snowflakes clinging to his long blonde eyelashes. In addition, the chance to have icicle licking contests came about too. However, the silly game would only end horribly, because the two of you would have your tongues stuck to the frosty icicle shard together. However, the thing that you loved the most about winter was having the chance to build a snowman with him, because he would actually participate with you. "Mr. Snowman looks just like you," you squealed, while pecking the snowman on its pebbled smile, as your boyfriend frowned and looked away, but you reached up and kiss his reddish cheek, making him place a hand over his cheek and gasp. "Catch me if you can!"

Reiji Sakamaki

It was only natural for you to like winter the most, because you were able to see beautiful snowflakes clinging to his long ebony eyelashes. In addition, the chance to have icicle licking contests came about too. However, the silly game would only end horribly, because the two of you would have your tongues stuck to the frosty icicle shard together. However, the thing that you loved the most about winter was having the chance to snuggle with him by the fireplace and read a good book together. "We're going to be reading bedtime stories to our child soon. I just cannot wait to hold our baby," you said, while he smiled and placed a hand over your belly, as the shouts of Shu and his girlfriend pierced your sweet moment with him. "Why can't they ever behave? They will be a bad influence on our child!"

Subaru Sakamaki

It was only natural for you to like winter the most, because you were able to see beautiful snowflakes clinging to his long silver eyelashes. In addition, the chance to have icicle licking contests came about too. However, the silly game would only end horribly, because the two of you would have your tongues stuck to the frosty icicle shard together. However, the thing that you loved the most about winter was having the chance to watch Christmas themed movies together and drink hot chocolate. "You have a whip cream mustache!" you squealed, while you grabbed your phone and snapped a picture, as he frowned and tried snatching your phone away from you, but you jumped over the couch and ran away howling with laughter. "I'm so totally going to show this to everyone! You look like Santa Clause!"

Laito Sakamaki

It was only natural for you to like winter the most, because you were able to see beautiful snowflakes clinging to his long brown eyelashes. In addition, the chance to have icicle licking contests came about too. However, the silly game would only end horribly, because the two of you would have your tongues stuck to the frosty icicle shard together. However, the thing that you loved the most about winter was having the chance to simply snuggle together with him in bed, but the emerald eyed vampire had some other activities in mind. "That tickles!" you giggled, while he decorated your neck with butterfly kisses, as he mischievously smirked and dragged you underneath the covers with him. "You're so naughty."

Kanato Sakamaki

It was only natural for you to like winter the most, because you were able to see beautiful snowflakes clinging to his long purple eyelashes. In addition, the chance to have icicle licking contests came about too. However, the silly game would only end horribly, because the two of you would have your tongues stuck to the frosty icicle shard together. However, the thing that you loved the most about winter was having the chance to make snow angels together with him. "It's missing something," you said, while sitting down on the snow and using your index finger to create a halo above his snow angel, as he smiled and kissed your cheek in thanks. "That's right! You're my sweet angel!"

Ayato Sakamaki

It was only natural for you to like winter the most, because you were able to see beautiful snowflakes clinging to his long crimson eyelashes. In addition, the chance to have icicle licking contests came about too. However, the silly game would only end horribly, because the two of you would have your tongues stuck to the frosty icicle shard together. However, the thing that you loved the most about winter was having the chance to throw snowballs together with him. "Fire!" you screamed, while grabbing a snowball and aiming for Shu, as he aimed his snowball at Reiji, but the two elder vampire brothers both dodged and glared at you two. "Oh my gosh! Run!"  

A/N: What do you think? I hope that you liked it

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A/N: What do you think? I hope that you liked it.

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