~A New Beginning~
Disclaimer: The picture up top is what Erica looks like I did not make it I take it from the internet
RING RING..... A phone goes off waking up a young girl named Erica from her slumber " uh why is it so early" Erica groan well waking up "come on Ricky wake up we have school " Her sister Jamie said getting her up "okay okay I'm up I'm up!" she replies getting up to get ready
"What time is it," Erica asked her sister after getting out of bed. "5:45," Jamie said as Erica heard that she was in the bathroom taking a shower and brushed her teeth. After her shower, she blow-dried her hair and did her makeup then puts on her outfit
She wore a grey short sleeve shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and some grey, red Vans. also she had on her cat ears and tail that she love to wear so much. She wants the mirror and looks at herself self "Eh doesn't look that bad" she says then made her way the school with her sister.
Across the street from their school Erica and Jamie were walking "so do you think anything interesting is going to happen today" Erica asked her sister well they walked "I don't know, why do u ask" Jamie asked looking at her sister " I'm not sure I just have a feeling" Erica told her sister will they kept walking.
Well, they walked throw the school Jamie and Erica walked to the usual place they sit to wait for their friends " So are u going to hang out with Scott today" Jamie asked Erica with a smirk "Wait what, oh yeah but me and Scott are just my friends nothing more" Erica said to her looking at her feet blushing a little " I never said anything about liking" Jamie says well raising her brow and nudging Erica a little "shut up" she repelling to her well Jamie giggles at her.
"Oh, but come on you know he likes you. How could you not see it" Jamie said looking at Erica. She looks at her with a blank face "What " Erica asked looking at her and Jamie then stats laughing "Really you're so oblivious to sometimes Ricky he's into you and you cant see it" Jamie says now laughing really hard at her " Hey can't blame me I was really down about my book " Erica said looking down at her phone " You know when I reading I barely know what's happening around me and you could barely get me out " Erica tells her now giving her a shy smile and looking down.
Jamie looked at her " Oh my god Ricky you really need a boyfriend your going to drive your self crazy with all that reading u do" she says looking at Erica "No you can't take me from my books it's my life without them I could die."Erica said getting all dramatic and falling on her knees in front of Jamie. Then got busting her self off and looking at her sister saying "But who needs a boyfriend right now anyways"
"HahaHaHa" Jamie starts laughing at her almost falling to the floor. "Why are you laughing at me," Erica asked well glaring at Jamie " Nothing........Nothing Jamie tells her well trying to stop' her laughter " Come on your no fair stop making fun of me " Erica said to her well whimpering. "yeah it is you always make fun of me too when it comes to Kiel and I" Jamie tells her well sending her a death glare " Fine let's just sit down and wait for the others " Erica said to Jamie. with that, the sit and wait for their other friends to get there.
After awhile most of Jamie's and Erica's friends had arrived. They all sat around talking making jokes and having fun before school had started. Erica sat their waiting for her one best friend to get there who she hasn't really seen all weekend. Soon she had seen him coming her way she rand to him calling his name. "Scotty" Erica Yelled. once he had seen the crazy blond he opened his arms for her to jump in to.
After their little reunion they talked and just ignored everything around them " Thank God the weekend is over it was so boring I don't know what I would do without you Scotty " Erica said well leaning on him. He put his head on top of hers
Scotty is a tall guy he is about 5"6 he's really tall.....Erica hates it (hahaha shorty. Hey your just as short as me Author-chan.-Erica Hey were not talking about me here okay. Now back to the story sorry >_<) but what she loves about him are his dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. She loves that he's her best friend. they have known each other for a year now and she knows that she can trust him with her life.
He's sweet and Erica comes to him with any of her problems and he does the same to her. Even if it's about one of her crazy books she reads or if it's one of the Anime they watch together. That's one of the reasons their best friends, not even her best girlfriends she can go on her crazy obsession even if Erica loves them to death.
Scotty smiled at her " I know you can't live without me Erica " he said throwing his arm around her shoulder and giving her one of his cocky smirks. " okay not that much keep dreaming lover boy" Erica said well throwing his arm back off her shoulder and smiling at him " oh come on you know you missed me " he said back giving her a small smile. "yeah you know I did " she said hugging he. Scotty was a little surprised but hugged her back with a smile on his face and a little blush on his cheeks.
Hello, Readers, I'm Nekolet I'm the author and this is one of the first books I've written and actually let people read it I have more and this is just the first chapter hope you love it or at least like it so if u do I've it a like add it to your list and keep reading. I'm thinking of doing an Introduction for some of my characters in her but I'm not sure telling me if I could. oh and if I have some errors don't worry ill try to fix them but if u want u can point them out to me but nicely please thank up and once again hope you like it. Also I might do slow updates <3 *_* >_< \/

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