Disclaimer: Here's Chapter Two Hopefully you like it. I worked hard and it takes me a while...Oh and the picture on top is Scottys
~Trouble Makers~
It was at least the second to the last class for Erica and Scotty. Well in their class they sat around talking and throwing paper balls at each other. They had fished their work and were now just messing around having fun until.
"Miss. Williams, Mr.Rich will you both forces on your work please" Mrs.Flix said to them sending them glares " sorry Mrs., but you see we already finish with all our work. Now we were just waiting for everyone else." Erica said in a polite manner even though she and Scotty despise the teacher very much. Shes just really annoying " Well if you don't be more quiet more work or detention to the both of you for disrupting the class." Mrs.Flix yelled form her desk
She looked so mad Erica honestly wanted to laugh " okay Mrs.go ahead we could probably finish that to. We are two of your best students in this class so I don't see why not" Scotty said challenging her. Erica was trying so hard not to fall over and laugh Mrs.Flix had looked so frustrated at them. She just turned away very mad.
After that Scotty had thrown another paper ball at Erica but it had missed her and went straight for (you can kind of guess but...Here you go >-<) MRS.FLIX. She turned to the angry and beyond pissed. Erica honestly just wanted to roll on the ground and laugh and the look in poor Scotty's face was priceless " That is final. you Mr. Rich and Williams are having detention with me in the library after school today". Erica couldn't take it anymore she broke down laughing rolling on the floor. Scooty looked at her sending her a sly smile and a little wink.
Time had passed and it was finally after school Erica had to stay after school anyways for her sister had some stuff to do at school. As Erica was walking to meet Scotty so they can walk to detention together she had heard something call her Name "Erica". She looked to see how had said and seen nothing It was strange but she just kept walking
Once Erica saw Scotty sitting on a bench with his jean jacket with his headphones and hoodie on with black pants and his wallet chain going from his back pocket to his front. On his phone listening to music. That's when Erica got the idea she had went behind Scotty so he wouldn't see her. She tried to hold in her laugh. Erica had jumped at him.
He yelped and fell off the other side of the bench 'that was fun' Erica though. but then as Scotty falls he manages to trip Erica. Having her fall with him.
When they had fallen Erica was on top well Scotty on the bottom. His being an idiot he goes saying "Well sorry but are u falling for me" giving Erica a cocky smile. "Oh shut up," she said getting up and rolling her eyes. "but I don't want to get up ". Scotty complained " yeah but we have detention and if we don't go now we might get another" Erica said wall trying to get him up " Really you want to get somewhere on time really your, " Scotty said to her looking at her strangely. "yeah I know but I don't need another detention this week the next one I get they will tell my parents," Erica said finally getting Scotty up and starting to walk.
"Fine but why is it in the library, " Scotty asked well they walk " I don't know I don't control detention I just get it," Erica says to him then they continued to walk 'its true Scotty and Erica got into a lot of trouble well most of the time it was Erica but that's another conversation for another time' Erica thought well they walked throw the halls in silence.
Well they walked Erica and Scotty kept walking in silence but it was comfortable. It was always like that for them. Erica was always comfortable with the silence it was always relaxing and calming.
As they got closer to the library "Erica" There it was again the voice that kept calling her name. She had turned to Scotty and had seen that he had not heard it. As they had gotten to the library Erica stopped. "Hey Scotty I think I'm going crazy," Erica said. Scotty had turned around giving her a weird look. " How so," he asked walking closer to her looking at her with a concerned look.
"Well i keep hearing something call my name it weird and it's giving me the creeps," Erica said well a shiver went down her spine and she looked a little frightened. Scotty leans foreword well Erica's eyes widen. Once close He had put his forehead on hers. Erica looked at him and felt her face burn up ' what the hell is he doing' she thought to get all flustered.
"Nope no fever yup your defiantly crazy" He had said to her giving him a bright smile. Erica pushes him back and punches him playfully in the arm " jerk" she said glaring at him " what I was only joking, but who knows maybe something interesting will happen today." Scotty had replied with a smirk. turning his around and kept walking to the library.
Erica stayed there for a moment thing ' Scotty Rich what are you doing to me' then ran to try and catch up with him' little did she know what something big was coming something she just couldn't avoid
Hello Reader-Chan I'm back hope you like this one if u do vote, add it to your reading list and keep reading
Erica- yeah keep reading its about to get interesting
Scotty- Oh really interesting
Erica & Scotty- (Evil laughing)
Author-Chan- (Sweat-drops) okay lets not scare anyone away pleases But please keep reading it'll get better promise.

Strange World
ФэнтезиStrange World is about a girl who loves to read shes outgoing and sometimes gets into trouble more then she wants to. Anyways what happens when she's thrown in a world she knows nothing about along with her best friend. where there are people with p...