Chapter Three

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                                                                  ~A Mysterious stranger~

     Once Erica and Scotty made it to the library they went and waited at a table "Hey weren't we supposed to be here for studding after school anyways so this is kind of ironic right" Erica said. Scotty chuckled and turned to her "Yup". He then laid his head on her arm that was laid out on the table

They sat there for about 25 minutes and no one had come to give them anything to do. "God I'm bored where is Mrs. at," Scotty said getting bored and winning. "I don't know I don't keep track of her" Erica said back. She got up and looked around for new books to read. "Are you looking for more of your books I don't think you're going to find any in her" not looking at her with his head on the table.
"I know but it's weird, you know how I get those weird feelings. When one of the books is nearby" Erica explained looking around the booking looking to see if she could find one of her books. "yeah so" Scotty said picking his head up off the table. She turns around to look at him "Yeah it's weird but not only that there's something else, but I don't know what it is" She said getting more frustrated. Scotty just sighs and laid back down on the table.

-somewhere else-
Well, Erica looked to throw the books somewhere else there was a cloaked figure standing right in front of the library. As the approached looking tired and weak "Must fine her, must find her" They said then fell to the ground tired and out of breath.
As Erica keeps looking throw the books.

 She turned her head to look out the window their she sees a shadow figure standing in front of the library looking at it. She turns to Scotty "Hey scot" Erica said turning to Scotty "there's someone in front of the library and I think their hurt" Scotty looks up from the table giving her a weird look "what that's weird" he says he then gets up and goes over to stand next to her looking out the window to.

After a while of just looking at the person, Erica says "What should we do" well not taking her eyes of the stranger "I don't know" Scotty said. Just then Erica looks more closely at the stranger.

The stranger then says something and collapses.
Erica and Scotty didn't know what to do, but then something inside Erica told her to help the person outside and that, that person need help. "Scotty come on we have to go help" Erica turns to him with a pleading look "What I don't know Erica, I know this is your thing, but I could be dangerous out there we can't go out," Scotty said looking at Erica with worry and concern for her and her dangerous habits.

"But scot look at them out there they just fainted they could be hurt or worse. They could use our help" Erica pleaded. Once Erica had used his nickname she knew that he had given in. after a while, he gave in and went to go help.
Once Scotty had brought the stranger in he had put them on one of the lounge couches. So that they can rest "you own me one Ricky this is so dangerous" Scotty said sitting down from how tired he is from caring in the stranger. "yeah I know scot I get you more discounted stuff from work okay promise" Erica said looking at Scotty sweetly and giving him a sweet and innocent smile.
They looked at the figure and now can see clearly that it was a male. He had brown shaggy hair
With his muscular figure he looked to be in he's teens between 17 and 18 well Erica was looking at him she thought 'why am I so attracted to this guy I don't even know who he is let alone his name' Erica had moved closer to get a better look at the stranger. One closer she could see bruises on his arms and cuts on his face.

"Do u think he's dead?" Scotty asked inspecting the male a little also "No just worn out.....Hopefully" she replied well moving closer and moving a piece of hair out of the stranger's face.

Every time Erica was closer to the stranger she felt this weird sense to be near him and not leave his side. 'why do I have a feeling like I know him' Erica had thought
"Erica you shouldn't be so near him you don't know what could happen," Scotty said in a warning tone with a hint of jealously he did like that Erica was so close to the stranger. "I don't know he's pretty knocked out," Erica said well poking the stranger on the cheek.

Then looked up at Scotty "hey scot I'm going to go and get him some water can u watch him" she said getting up and dusting herself off "what so not only did I have to bring him in now I have to babysit him really Ricky" Scotty complains getting all dramatic "I'm just going to go get some water for when he wakes up, I'll be back soon I promise" she told him giving him a smile and a little wink
Scotty sat down with a sigh and put a hand on his face covering his eyes 'Why do you drive me crazy Erica' he thought then moved his hands from his face and stared out off into space.

Just then the mystery stranger stared strain in his sleep.
The stranger's eyes had started to open. First, it was all blurry then it had started to become clear to him. He then realized that he was in a place full of books, with that he guessed he we in what looked like a library. He looked around and saw a face that did not look familiar to him as if a              stranger.                                                                                                                                                                                           "where am i" the stranger had asked well looking around then looked at Scotty " oh you're finally passed out earlier outside of the library my friend had me bring you in. She had when to go get some water for you. She should be back soon"         

"Oh," the stranger said then looked down at his feet. "so what's your name," Scotty asked trying to ease the tension in the room that was building up. He holds out his hand "I'm Scotty Rich pleaser to meet you" Scotty said. the stranger had grabbed Scotty's hand "nice to meet you Scotty I'm Jake Dawn" Jake said with a smile.

Over with Erica as she walked over to the snacks machine's going to go grab something for the stranger 'what is this weird feeling I have' Erica thought to put a hand on chin thinking 'it's weird but l feel like I know him like we have a connection' then she shakes her head with a weak smile laughing a little "Nah" she said and just kept walking

Little did she know that someone is watching her like an animal to their pray

As Erica gets to the machine she digs into her pocket to get her money out once she gets her money out someone comes from behind her pulls her back. Erica yelled well the intruder put a hand over her mouth.

Well, Scotty and Jake were sitting in silence Scotty decides to try to start a conversation "so what are u doing here" He asked Jake getting curious to know more about the guy that Erica had taken such an interest to "Oh well if I told you I don't think you'd believe me" Jake said rubbing the back of his head nervously. Scotty looks at him and rolls his eyes "Sure try me" Scotty said smirking at Jake "Okay I warned you" Jake said laughing a little. Scotty sat up straight and listen to him

-with Erica-

        Well, Erica tried to struggle she eventually escape the person grasp, getting a good look at the person who was trying to take her. She looked and saw a creature she had never seen before it was at least 6 feet tall it had the body of a wild dog with horns and a tail standing on its two back legs with ears like a rabbit...
Hey reader-chan well their u go my third chapter, sorry it take so long hope u like it and hopefully I could finish chapter four really soon
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