Chapter 3.

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I've decided to write this in the third person cause I find it better :)

It's been three weeks since they brought in Harry and Liam. Louis could not be any happier having two other little boys who will play with him whenever he pleased.

Harry was such an outgoing child for his age. Always conversing with Zayn, Niall and Louis. and also trying to include Liam when he could.

He always got his way, with a flash of his perfect little smile. Both parents have come to the conclusion that his dimples possessed some sort of power. They could already tell he would grow to become quite the charmer.

it's currently 9am, and Niall is already awake, cooking breakfast for his lovely family, while Zayn gets stuck with the strenuous task of waking up the children.

Today they planned on taking the boys to visit Niall's parents. Both Zayn and Niall's families wanted to meet their new grandchildren so they decided to visit Niall's first, as they were closer and it was a shorter drive.

Just as Niall set down the last plate of pancakes, he heard the pitter patter of tiny feet coming down the stares. Louis ran into the kitchen first followed by a giggling harry.

"morning daddy!" Louis yelled attacking his legs in a big hug. He smiled down at his son, picking him up along with Harry.

"morning babes, did you both sleep well?" Niall asked them, as he set them down at their usual spots at the table.

Louis nodded and then proceeded to grab a pancake, Harry copying his actions. Niall sat down next to Harry and helped cut his pancakes into smaller pieces, making it easier for the little boy to eat.

Moments later Niall heard another pair of feet slowly making their way down the stairs. He looked back around the corner to see Zayn holding Liam's hand as they both slowly walked down, Liam taking his time with each step. Zayn watched the toddler fondly as he quietly tried to count to himself.

"fwive, sewen, ten!" he said happily bouncing at the last step, looking up at Zayn proudly.

"good job LiLi!". He said in a cheery manner not bothering to correct him, so he just praised the little one, leading him to the kitchen table.

Since first arriving, Liam has opened up quite a bit lately, not fully but he's starting to show signs of trusting them and genuinely feeling comfortable around them. He talked more and was less nervous with both men touching him. Zayn and Niall couldn't be more happy.

"morning liam" Niall greeted putting some fruits and tiny cut up pieces of pancake on his plate.

Liam smiled up at him, "morni'" he replied shoving some banana in his mouth with his chubby little fingers.

"Daddy are we going to see gran and granda today?" Louis asked curiously, looking up from his plate.

"yeah Lou we're leaving right after we finish eating" Niall told him chuckling as Louis shrieked excitedly, hurrying to finish his meal.

"who dat lou-lou?" Harry asked his eyebrows furrowed.

Louis sat up in his seat turning to face Harry properly. "they're daddy's mummy and daddy and they're super duper nice and nan always gives lots n' lots of sweets to eat! s'good cause baba never let's us eat loads of sweets" Louis told him, eyeing his baba to see if he heard, which he did.

Zayn rolled his eyes. Louis always complains about the lack of sweets in the house "Lou I don't let you have sweets because they're not good for you, not because I want you to suffer" he told his oldest trying to get him to understand.

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