Chap 9 -A Plea To Understand

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Ok my lovelies,

Let me know what you all think and I will try to upload again by nxt Friday for you. So, go, read, enjoy......

Thanks guys!


Kay-lee's POV:

I could feel the unease of my pack at my decision, but I could also feel their undivided trust for me and knew I would not have any concerns. Mr Thomas on the other hand; will be watched like a hawk for his disrespect to their Alpha.


After hanging up the phone from mum, I dropped my head down with a resounding ‘thud’ on my desk.

Today has not gone anywhere near how I had planned, or even hoped. Not only have I had to cancel on my mum again because of pack business, I also now have to figure out what I’m going to do with one less ally. Once word gets out that our pack is run by a female, well, we will be at war with any who seek to take our lands; and there have been a few that have made it clear that they will try as soon as they found a weakness –A female Alpha being the perfect weakness as far as most are concerned.

After considering the repercussions of this morning’s events, I figure we have max, maybe two weeks tops before we start having to defend our land from other packs.

Sighing I lift my head and resist the urge to pull my hair in frustration, instead opting to rub my temples hoping to fight off the head ache that I could feel creeping in. No matter how I looked at it, my only options I could think of were; call a meeting with my remaining allies and see for sure who will still stand by my pack or stand on our own and try to fight. Even if we did fight, the pack isn’t the largest out there and we would only be able to hold our own for so long before we would be simply out done be wave after wave of attacks.

I guess my best option would be to call a meeting with our allied Alphas from the surrounding packs, expose our secret and hope that they decide to stand by their alliance with us.

Just as I was finishing the email, requesting the attendance of all allied Alphas, there was a knock at the door. Pulling my eyes from the screen I look to the door as I call “Enter”

I watch as Mason pokes his head around the door “Forgive me Alpha, but Mr Thomas has insisted he have an audience with you” Mason began, making it quite clear that he was not happy about accommodating David after his disrespect towards me earlier

“Thank you Mason, you may bring him in. Was there anything else?”

“Yes” he began and I watched as his whole posture and demeanour changed “Your mum called and asked that I tell you she will be over in roughly half an hour”

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