Chap 16 - Passing The Buck

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"As a sign of faith and your commitment to your promise, I want you to go first" I watched as his smile slipped and confusion began to seep into the room in almost suffocating waves as clearly no one understood my meaning. I even had my own confused, but under their confusion, I could still feel their faith in me, and that was all I need to know, to be able to move forward with my plan and survive what I was about to ask for next.

"I want you -Joseph Selene- to put in action, for yourself, your -in your own words- the simple solution to your very own simple problem; right here and right now, as an act of faith to me and my people. If you do, then you have my word that you can have control of my pack and my land"

 After a moment of confusion, I guess he finally understood what I was asking him to do, because in that moment, that was when the shit really hit the fan.


I'm not sure who lost it first; Joseph, because of what I'd asked of him, or his men, because of the potential threat against their new Luna.

Either way, the room went from dead silent, to complete and total chaos in seconds, which left me tightly surrounded by Mason and the boys, who instantly when on the defense.

Standing tall amidst the chaos, with the boys crouched low in defensive positions around me, I had my eyes on only one man in the room; Joseph. I didn't care about anyone else's reaction, not even mums. His was the only face I wanted to see as he fought through his emotions. The anger at being asked to take care of his "Simple problem" that held his heart, the hurt that his very own flesh and blood had asked it of him, and the knowledge that if he didn't do it, he would not get the Midnight moon pack or it's land without a fight, which could mean the unnecessary deaths of many people.

I watched as he fought an internal battle against not only himself, but his wolf as well. I knew that the beast within him was also having trouble finding a solution to their problem. On the one hand, instinct would be to remove the threat, but on the other hand; how do you destroy your pup? Fairly easily in the animal word, but to destroy your only heir and devastate your mate.... Not such an easy solution.

I watched the once feared Alpha as he struggled and I almost wanted to take pity on him -Almost- but as I continued to watch the once strong, proud and heartless Alpha, it became very apparent that the rumors had been wrong; Joseph Selene, does have a heart and I had the pleasure of watching it and him crumble at my feet.
I heard none of the noise around me, although I knew it was there. I didn't need to hear or see any of it to know that a few of Joseph's men had shifted; I could feel it. I didn't need to hear, to know that the noise in the room from both sides yelling and snarling at each other would be almost deafening; I could feel it all -The hate, the anger, the fear, the hurt, the admiration, the determination, all of it coming through as strong as the winds of a hurricane at full strength. But the main emotions that had pride lifting my head higher, was the heartache and hopelessness that came from both my mum and Joseph as I watched him crumble in front of me. There is something.....I can't even find the right word, just something about watching a strong man sink to his knees as his whole world stops spinning and his strength leaves him. Leaving him a shell of the man he once was as he watches his own world crumble with the knowledge that, either way; He. Loses.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. I watch as he lifts his head and unshed tears glisten in his blue eyes. Pain, fear and helplessness making them shine bright and yet dull all at once. The once chaotic room, now dead silent as every person in the room awaited his response.

"I don't understand Kay-lee" He began as he shook his head, as though trying to rid himself of a horrible dream "Why? Why would you ask me to do such a thing to your own flesh and blood? Why would you ask me to remove not only your mother -my mate- but also yourself?" He asked. The room around us suddenly still with his last question, as though shock had frozen time itself, before the silence was broken by a strangled sob, that could only have come from mum. I guess no one had realized that, I too, was apart of his "Simple Problem"

"Forgive me Joseph" I began, pausing to allow him a moment, making sure I have his full attention. I felt his relief at my words and knew it would be short lived "But, my pack would follow me blindly through the gates of hell if I asked it of them. How many of yours could you say, would do the same for you?"

"You can't honestly say they would do tha-" he began, before I cut him of to continue "I know they would Joseph. I know that because these men" pausing to wave my hand -palm down- over the heads of my pack members surrounding me, as they stayed in their defensive positions "Have come here, without being ordered. I left MY pack and MY land alone when I came here. They followed of their own free will, even though they could have stayed in the safety of pack land and known that their mates and family would be safe. That they would see their pups grow to be strong men and women. The only thing racing through their minds at this moment is strategies to combat any situation that could arise, that will see ME leave here alive. How many of your men could you say the same about? That is why I have asked this of you, because if I am not willing to walk through the gates of hell, how could I possibly ask them to? If YOU, yourself are not willing to take the first step through those gates before you ask it of my pack when you become their Alpha, how am I supposed to know that they will be safe, happy and protected? As Alpha, it is MY job to do what is best for my pack, they trust ME to make the right decision for them and I do NOT take that responsibility lightly." I stood tall as I felt the waves of pride wash over the room as I thought of my pack and the pride I hold for them because they picked me to be their Alpha.

I continued to stare down Joseph as I awaited his reply. Emotions swirled through his eyes as he waged the war within himself. Just as I thought the once strong Alpha would crumble at my feet, I saw it. It was only tiny, but as I continued to watch him, it grew; The spark of hope was unmistakable by the time Joseph stood tall in front of me once again.

"Well I guess I have no choice" He began, pausing as gasps from his pack filled the night air. My boys and I stood tall, waiting for the catch that he was sure to reveal. "I, Alpha Joseph Selene, of the Moonstone Pack, have decided to step down and allow my planned successor to take his place as Alpha of this pack. I trust that he will make the right decision and lead this pack well, whilst my mate and I travel the world and reacquaint our selves with each other after too long apart"


Okay guys,
 This is a MUST READ authors note!

For starters I would like to say a massive thank you to all of you who have voted and commented (I LOVE reading your comments, they make my day) And a big thanks to all my new fans, I hope you all continue to enjoy the story!

Now for the REALLY important bit:
Most of you already know why updates have been almost non existant, and I'm really sorry that it has taken this long to give you all so little, but thank you for all your patients. For those of you who don't know, I have mentioned in other chaps, but I don't blame you for skipping the authors notes (I do the same thing) I am currently in the process of moving house. I will be moving from one end of Australia to the other. I also have two young children that help to make the process of preparation slow. I now only have about 4 days left before my house is packed so it is currently all stations a-go in my house as we try to get everything ready and the house cleaned. That said, this WILL BE THE LAST UPDATE until after the Christmas period! I will try to write at every chance I get, but I am NOT promising anything!

Again, thank you all for your support and patients, and I hope you all have a happy and safe Christmas and New year!

- Manda xx

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