Chap 13 - Stake Out

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Okay guys,
So first of all, I just want to say: HOLY COW!! I have had so many new fans, that I had no hope of being able to thank you all without missing someone! So THANK YOU to all my new fans, all of you silent readers who have added my story to your library and everyone who has voted, but most of all, THANK YOU to all you guys who have commented! They really make my day and some have even had me roaring with laughter. You all really don't understand how much it means to read your comments :)

Okay, now that that's done........... ON WITH THE SHOW... er... STORY!!! lol

Oh, P.S

I do not proof read! So if there is a mistake or something, let me know and I'll fix it :)


This was the straw that broke this wolf's back, so to speak. I've had enough; now time to go and put an end to all this bullshit and show this mongrel that he's not top dog anymore and I'm not going to just roll over and let him take it all from me -not with out fighting to keep what's mine

 This dickhead is about to realise that he has fucked with the wrong Alpha!


As my paws pounded the earth beneath me, my anger continued to burn with a white-hot passion, that in truth, should have scared me. It didn't though, I knew it was in my nature to protect what is mine with a fierce passion, and taking my mum from me is as bad as taking away my mate in my books.

I continued to ignore the please of Mrs Anderson in my head, begging me to come back and think this out before I made a stupid mistake; but I couldn't, even if I wanted to, the wolf running through my veins would never have let me. I guess it must have been a consequence of becoming one with her. I already knew that her instincts influenced my decisions a lot more now, compared to before. That was more like she would suggest things, but now...... Well now, it was more like I had an idea and a need -my need being my instincts making themselves known- and whilst calm I could come up with the best way to fill that need, without triggering anything else.

Right now, that "Need" is to destroy the threat, and that is exactly what I plan to do.

"Enough!" I finally roared through the link "You will all listen and you WILL listen good" I began, giving my first order in a long time. I needed them to listen to what I had to say before I reached the border "I WILL be doing this, because I am your Alpha and it is my job to protect what is mine and punish those who dare to hurt what is MINE." I growled out as I continued to pound my way through the forest, now for the part that I knew would not sit well with them "I understand your fears -I can feel them- but I don't want you all to worry, I have faith that the moon goddess will see me through this; she has a plan for me, what ever it may be. So with this said here is my order - You WILL wait for my return and if I am not back by Thursday morning, then you WILL ALL leave for safety. That should give you all three days from now to pack your stuff and prepare yourself for the worst -should it come. I will NOT have you perish because I could not do my job!" 
I could feel their horror at what I had just ordered, the thought of me not returning to them has left them all feeling sick to their stomachs with fear for my safety, but I could also feel their determination. I know they will be fine if I do not return, I have already spoken with the Alphas of the nearby packs, who have agreed to take them in if this does not work out for the best.

I slow my pace as I reach the border of the two territories, settling into an even trot as I try to decide on my best course of action.

Resting in a small, but dense patch of trees, just on the outskirts of the town, I watch as the town folk go about their business. I can see that my information is correct; the pack has been overwhelmed. I can see it in the way the pack member walk as though they are treading on thin ice, as though they will be beaten if they so much as step the wrong way. I can see it in the way they hold themselves; their inner turmoil and fear for not only themselves, but also their Alpha radiates from within them with such a potency that even the humans around them are beginning to feel it and are starting to look skittish as well.

The longer I sit and watch, the more I pick the intruding pack member from the crowd. Not that it is any great feat, considering they are the only ones looking anything close to relaxed.

I'm sure that I have sat here for close to an hour, my animal instincts still clouded with rage, trying to lure me into the open to begin my slaughter fest in the mongrels who dare to threaten me and what is mine. Just as I am considering changing form and seeing how far I can get through the crowd before I am found out and dobbed in, I catch it, they clearly thought I would be still too wrapped in my rage to notice, but I have and when I am done here, they will want to hope that my rage has burnt out by the time I get to them! So I lay in wait.

Mason is the first to come into my line of sight, clearly following my scent. I huff a breath out my nose in irritation, still watching as he cautiously approaches the tree line.

"Do you honestly think that little of me that you not only follow me, but you also consider the fact the I would be stupid enough to go barreling in there, even in my fit of rage!?" I watch as his eyes instantly flick over to mine, before he bows his head and drops to his belly, as do the rest of them who have followed.

"Kay-lee, Alpha. We were so concerned for you, we couldn't just sit around and wait whilst knowing what you were doing alone. Please, don't order us back. Please, we need to help you! You are not only our Alpha, you are our friend, and loved one, and even if you weren't Alpha, we would still be here, standing beside you. They don't just have your mum Kay-lee, they have the woman who is a mum to us all, the woman we chose to have fill the position as Luna."

Mason's plea is heart felt, but I still huff in irritation from knowing I wouldn't be able to bring myself to order them back, not knowing that their hearts are in the right place, and Mason knows it. I roll my eyes as I watch his tail begin to slowly wag behind him on the ground. He knows he has won this battle, but I still growl lowly at him, letting him know that this is not over. His tongue flops out the side of his mouth and his tail does double time, I shake my head in amusement before rolling eyes again.

"Right, stop being an idiot and listen up, this is my plan..........."

Even as I spoke with my men and we worked through the kinks in my plan, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something BIG waiting for me on the other side of this tree line.


Okay, okay, I know you all hate me at the moment for the cliff hanger, and I think this would have to be my shortest chapter ever, but my house is a huge mess and it's in desperate need of a clean. Also it just felt right ending it there, so IF I get my cleaning finished today, I will start on the next chap, which will mean that it should be up by next Friday (Fingers crossed)

 Thanks again for reading and what-not, y'all know the drill :)

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