Chap 14 - Hello Daddy

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Dedication goes to nightrose75 for being first to comment! :)

Okay Guys,

Since having a clean house isn't as important as the next chap (LOL) I have decided to divide my time and do both :D  So I now have a half clean house (literally) and have taken a break to write this for y'all :)

Right, so I'm super excited to see what y'all think of this chap, so pls comment and tell me what ya think, and don't forget that I DON'T proof read! So if shit doesn't make sense, let me know! Thanks guys!


"Right, stop being an idiot and listen up, this is my plan..........."

Even as I spoke with my men and we worked through the kinks in my plan, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something BIG waiting for me on the other side of this tree line.


Stepping out from the trees with the guys at my side, we agreed that we would try to blend in with the crowd and see how far we can get before being found out.

Following my nose through the streets, we have finally found where Jody's scent is strongest. Relief soothes some of the tension in my body knowing that mum at least has Jordy to keep her company.

Taking a deep breath, I can faintly smell mum within the motel cabin in front of us, it's all I needed to know before I kicked in the door and slaughter everyone inside. As I placed my foot on the first step leading to the front door, the boys behind me spread out, preparing themselves for what ever might happen.

Reaching the top step, take another whiff as the breeze stirs around me, with it carrying a smell that has my instincts screaming for me to follow it and my body tingling in delight. Shifting slightly, I inhale deeper, trying to get my fix of whatever that smell is, getting lost within it's silent promises.

Sounds from within the cabin snap me from my bewitched state. My ears perk as I hear mums strained and fearful voice, muffled through the door "NO! You don't get it! You didn't listen and now........Now everything is ruined! I didn't want to be your mate Joseph!" She practically yelled. I strained to hear the muffled reply, only able to hear the deep, commanding voice of the man I assume is Joseph. I continued to listen, trying to work out exactly where she is within the cabin.

"You don't get it! Stop saying that! No! I came here because you wouldn't listen when you kept calling my home! No Joseph, you're still not listening to me!" There was a short silence in which I'm guessing he has made his reply, and what ever it was has only set mum off on an anger fueled rampage that had even me stepping back from the harsh words that followed "Oh for fuck sake Joseph, stop feeding me that bullshit! You. Left. Me! It wasn't the other way around, it wasn't even close to pleasant, and now you come back thinking I will welcome you with open arms, all because I'm your MATE!" She spat at him. Looking over my shoulder at my men, the looks on their faces told me all; they to have put the puzzle pieces together and we all now know that the man standing on the other side of this door is the reason why I stand here today. But he is also the reason why my mum is the broken woman she thinks I don't see.

With renewed anger at the memories of my sad, depressed mum from over the years, I took one swift step toward the wooden door, before lifting my foot and ramming it into the door as a growl rips from my throat. Not waiting for it to hit the floor, I was already launching myself over it and shifting mid-air. Landing on all fours on the wooden floors, as mum lets out a scream at the sudden commotion, my head instantly whipping in her direction, our eyes connecting for a split second before she is pushed behind a large and intimidating man that I only just notice is in the room as well. Hmmm this must be the famous Joseph. A snarl ripping from my throat as I notice his arm gripping mum as he attempts to hide her behind him as she continues to struggle in his grip, clearly already realizing who we are.

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