Part 50

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No time to think. I shoved away from Bill faster than I would've thought possible, my eyes wide and panicked and the blood gone from my face. We both fell to the hardwood with a thud. I felt twice the pain, considering I'd been the one to push him.

"Ow! What'd you do that for Pine Tr-" Thankfully he was able to catch himself, even in his anger. "Dipper?!"

"Yeah bro-bro! Why'd you do that? It was so adorable!" Mabel butted in.

My cheeks flared as all three eyes drifted my way. "I just... I didn't think you'd... I was just teaching Liam how to dance. No more."

"Do you think I thought you were feeling each other up for fun? Calm down Dip!"

"We weren't 'feeling each other up'! We were DANCING! And yeah, I did think you'd make it weird."

"Do I get to speak?" Bill was still angry. I didn't blame him. Why had I been so quick to abandon the lesson?


"Dipper! Why d'you got to be so mean?!"

"Yeah! Why so touchy brother?"

I trembled with rage.

"No reason. I'm FINE. Brother."

I got up and brushed off my pants before storming out the door, slamming it behind me. I ran down the hallway and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I slid down the door, my knees cradling my face and my arms wrapped around my shins.

I felt the beginnings of tears start to burn my eyes.

What happened back there Dipper? The only thing Mabel did was walk in on a slightly awkward dance lesson. You freaked out!

But I was having a good time! She ruined it!

No she didn't. YOU ruined it, Dipper. Why did you push Bill?

Because I didn't want Mabel to judge us!

Nothing was happening to judge! You're being irrational!


You just used a lame kindergarten comeback on yourself. Just apologize for overreacting.

You're right. There was nothing happening. I should apologize.

I was calmed by my little pep talk. Even still, my eyes were dampened. Why did I get so emotional? What DID happen back there? I just wished I was still dancing. I wanted my head back on Bill's shoulder. But WHY? It was comfortable, that's why. It was the first time me and Bill really got along. That was it. We got along, and it ended too soon.

I splashed water on my face. Mabel thought I was insane. Bill was mad at me. I'd just go up and apologize and pretend I didn't just flip out for no reason.

I patted my face dry and hung up the towel. My hand brushed the doorknob. I pulled away, just for a moment. Bill's voice rang in my ears; "it's only gonna be awkward if you act like it's awkward". I reached out once again and turned the knob, pulling the door open.

"GAH! Mabel! What are you doing here?" Mabel had been standing just outside the door with her arms crossed. Her face reflected no anger, only worry.

"What's wrong, Dipper? There had to be more to all that than just being interrupted. I'm your sister bro-bro. You can talk to me."

"Nothing happened. I overreacted is all. I'm sorry for yelling."

Mabel looked at me in a way that made me feel like I was at some intervention. It frustrated me, but it wasn't worth it to get angry again.

"You should tell that to Liam. He... he seems upset."

"What? Why?"

"You tell me. You're the one who pushed him." She sighed. "Look, I have to go get dressed. Talk to him."

With that said, Mabel went off down the hall, leaving me to stand at the bathroom door. I was so confused. Liam seemed upset? Why would he seem upset? I may have pushed him. But when dealing with Bill that called for anger, not sadness. Why would he be sad? I sighed and made my way back down the hall to the bedroom door.

I stood outside a moment, prepared to turn the knob, when to my surprise it turned for me. The door swung on its hinges, inviting me to enter the room.


I looked around the room. He had to be there. Doorknobs don't just turn by themselves.

"Bill, I'm sorry for pushing you. Mabel said you were upset. Are you okay?"

No answer. Just as I was about to leave the room in case he'd left, I heard a faint sniff. I turned away from the door. Was he...?

"Bill? Is that you? Are you... crying?"

Bill swung down from the rafters, hanging upside-down by his ankles. I leapt back in surprise, falling on my already bruised backside.

"BILL! What were you doing up there?!"

"Partying. What else?"

"Stop it with the sarcasm Bill. Have you been crying?"

"Have you?"

We looked at each other inquisitively. Bill righted himself before drifting to the floor, once again stumbling as his sneakers caught his weight. From his spot on the floor, I was able to see his face more clearly. He had obviously tried to remove all traces of crying, but with his tears that was difficult. His cheeks were painted with very faint purple smudge marks, giving him a similar complexion to Violet Beauregarde, and when I looked closer I saw a faint shimmer of purples and blacks swirling across his golden iris.

"Yes. I have. I don't know why so don't ask."


I sighed. "I think it might've been because we were finally getting along... and Mabel came in and it kinda killed the moment. And then it all fell apart and we were angry at one another all over again."

"I meant why you pushed me. I was having fun and you were having fun. Why did you freak out?"

"I just thought Mabel might've thought we were... you know."

"Gay beyond all reason?"

I was surprised at his forwardness. Yet again, he had no problem saying "butt naked".

"Sure. She does this thing called 'shipping'. I just didn't want the awkwardness."


We stood in an unreadable silence for a few moments.

"So... your turn. Why were you crying?"

"The rafters are dusty. I got something in my eye."

"That doesn't call for purple tears."

"Wait... I cry purple tears? Shit I'm like a fairy or something! No wonder your sister thought I was gay!"

"Just answer the question."

He sighed, running his fingers through his lemon bar bangs.

"I just... I don't know. I don't know, Pine Tree. All knowing demon doesn't know why there is fluids leaking from his own face. Dandy, aint it? Either way, they burn like Hell's fire. And I would know."

"It's probably because of the deal. 'No more melting down. No more crying.' Remember? Anyway, I'm willing to pretend this never happened if you are."

I waited awkwardly for his response. He looked at me, expressionless. Finally he waved his hand through the air, signifying that it was over and done.

"Well I guess I know how to dance now."

Sorry for the short chapter!

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