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I've been chasing this chick for hours. Seriosly. I think its midnight or something.... But see, the thing is, when I agreed to stalking Kaelyn, I thought that once she made it out of the city or something, she'd stop and rest. Nope. She took three trains, and is now in a differnt state. Well I shouldnt be to suprised... She is Robins little sister. I flew a little closer to Kaelyn, now as a fly,because apperantly, she doesnt like bees.... My head still hurts from where she tried to slap me away! I watched as Kaelyn flagged down a taxi. Great. I flew in with her.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Perfect. They're tryin to call me when Kaelyn and the taxi driver can hear.
"Excuse me, I think your phones going off, sir." Kaelyn said. Dang. She was polite....
"That aint my phone, kid. I got a funky ringtone! It's actually pretty cool! You wanna hear it?" The driver asked, turning around. Kaelyn gasped.
"TURN AROUND!" She screamed. I looked, and there was a big, I mean huge, 18 wheeler, coming straight toward us. The taxi driver tried to turn, but it only seemed to make things worse. I took my regular form, which made Kaelyn scream. I jumped out and turned into a dinosuar, and used my tail to move the taxi to safety. The taxi dude jumped out and started running in circles, while Kaelyn just sat there, wide eyed, and horror strucked. Crap. She knows that Robin sent me. I answered the still beeping communicator. It was Robin. Of course.
"Where are you?" he asked. Kaelyn snapped back into reality at the sound of her brothers voice. Her eyes suddenly filled up with tears, and she hugged me.
"Umm....I kinda just saved your sisters life...." I muttered to Robin. I showed him Kaelyn, who was fine, but was still clinging to me.
Kaelyn and Robin had a quuik conversation, with many 'I'm sorrys' from Kaelyn, and a lot of 'Are you ok?'s from Robin. Any way, long story short, Kaelyn agreed to stay with us. Sweet!
Its the day after my near-death experience. If Beast Boy hadnt have been there.... I had thanked him I dont know how many times, but he always does the same thing- blushes, shugs, and says its nothing. Nothing? How can he call saving someones life nothing? Whatever.... Anyway, we're both on the train, on our way back to Jump City. My brother and the rest of his friends were meeting us there, and giving us a ride to their home. I wonder where they live.... I glanced over at Beast Boy, who quikly looked away. This made me smile. My brother can be so protective.
I remember that used to annoy the crap out of me. Now, I'm only too glad.
"Hey Beast Boy?" I asked.
He turned. "You can call me BB... You know, if you want to I mean..." He told me.
"Right.... Um, so I was wondering... Where do you guys live? I mean... I've searched the entire city..." I trailed of as BB started to chuckle. He was cute when he smiled. Wait! No! I cant think this!
"You must've looked really hard, not to see a giant 'T' in the middle of the ocean." He said.
"Careful, your drooling sarcasm." I shot back. "And I did ask about that place. People just said it was an old abandond building...." I muttered.
BB was laughing hard now. Great. "Would you shut up!?" I shouted. After that, it was quiet.

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