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A/N: The events of the story take place sometime between the two years in the time skip and Punk Hazard before Law and his crew split up.

I usually chose my victims with care, wealthy families or merchants passing through, sometimes the occasional low level pirate crew or unfortunate Navy soldiers. If you think about it, this was actually their fault for advertising their wealth so carelessly in a town well-known for its thievery. And okay maybe I was feeling a bit reckless and invisible after pulling off my latest heist on a certain white haired, cigar smoking vice admiral’s ship.

The two idiots had come stumbling in to the Devil’s Tavern just after sun set. They were already shit faced beyond reason as they burst in letting in the wind and rain from the outside. Dressed in obnoxious orange jumpsuits and smelling of cheap sake as well as the faint tinge of disinfectant there was no mistaking them for anything else but part of the Heart Pirate Crew. They were clearly at the bottom of the hierarchy judging from how weak they both looked.

I was sat in the back of the tavern, cloak and hood covering my distinctive white hair, ears and tail. The Navy often referred to the Straw Hat’s navigator as a cat burglar and I hated having to share the title considering I was literally a cat burglar and definitely way better at it than the orange hair busty pirate.

With the storm just setting in, I was stuck in this god-forsaken town for a few more days and the rational part of me was telling to just get a room at the local inn and lay low until Smoker and his men gave up looking for me. The bored and reckless part of me however was itching for more excitement, I still had adrenaline pumping through me after swiping a couple million berry from Smoker’s safe.

It’s not my fault these two idiots had to go shootin’ their mouths off about their incredible stash of gold their captain had scored from an unfortunate pirate crew that had crossed their path. A smirk made its way to my lips as I stared at the wall that had a list of bounties including one Trafalgar Law, even though he’d now been appointed a Schichibukai by the World Government.
From what the idiots let slip, their ship had been left with a few guards as most of the men missed sleeping on land and it was anchored at the old ports across town. I made sure all my daggers and my sword were in place before setting out in the rain. I’m sure Law wouldn’t mind losing a few gold pieces. With these two heists, I’d be much closer to my goal, I’d be free.

Keeping mostly to the dark and leaping off rooftops thanks to my flexible and fast feline body I was soon across town at the old port.
“Who paints their ship yellow?” I scoffed. It was like a giant ‘come and get me’ sign, though now I supposed the Navy wouldn’t be after them. As I stalked closer I realized that it was more of a submarine than a ship. I landed lightly on the deck and disposed of the two guards stationed there. I cursed at the rain as I was now wholly soaked, my white – almost silver – hair stuck to my face and my tail swung agitatedly. Unless I was taking a bath, I hated being covered in water, it made my skin itch.

“Now, where is that gold?” I mumbled to myself as I snuck around the ship. I came across the infirmary, the dining area where a few members where playing go fish, luckily no one spotted me.

“Of course, it would be in there.” I huffed annoyed, staring at the captain’s closed office door. I could tell he was in there from the faint beam of light that glowed from under the door. Much as I wanted that gold, I valued my life more and tangling swords with the Surgeon of Death wasn’t on my to do list today. Maybe I’d try my luck another time then, I didn’t fancy being dismembered by the sadistic Trafalgar Law.  Before I could even go back the way I came, the door to the Captain’s office clicked open. He stared at me wide eyed before a smug smirk made its way to his face.
“Well, well. If it isn’t the famous cat burglar (Y/N)-ya. Were you just about to rob us?” he asked curiously tilting his head.

“Shit.” I mumbled before drawing my twin pistols.
I fired both simultaneously but he’d disappeared before the bullets could reach him and re-appeared right behind me. Only my quick reflexes allowed me to evade the slash of his overly huge sword. I managed to somehow land a kick to his jaw, but when he merely chuckled and spit out blood from his mouth I knew I was screwed.

“Room.” He said. I felt a weird energy-forcefield like thing surround us and right then I knew I was screwed.

“You picked the wrong target today kitten.”  he said before bringing his sword up ready to cut me up one last time.

“Wait!” I shouted at the top of lungs with my hand outstretched. When he started swinging I blurted out what I had to say without waiting for him to pause in his movements.

“I know where the calm-calm fruit is!” I shouted.
The sword stopped inches from my neck as Law stood frozen, his face impassive. I let out a small sigh of relief that I’d managed to at least prolong my life little longer.
“What makes you think I’m interested in it?” he asked.
If I told him, I’d be risking my life but Law might just end up killing me anyway so either way I’m a dead man. Taking a deep breath; I told him.

“I work for Doflamingo.”

At the mention of the Warlord’s name, Law’s face turned into a mask of fury. I wasn’t surprised, I’d heard all the details from Dofamingo himself, although I wasn’t quite sure why the man told me.
“My family has an old debt to pay,” I explained. “I’m working for him until I can re-pay that debt in full. One of the jobs Doffy had me do was steal back the calm-calm fruit from the former Fleet Admiral Sengoku.” I told him. (A/N: For the story’s sake assume Sengoku had kept the fruit after Cora-san’s death.)

“Where is it?” Law all but growled.

“I’ll tell you on one condition.” I bravely stated, if he agreed to this, not only would I be free from Doffy, but I’d be somewhat well protected too.

“You’re in no position to negotiate.” Law stated inching his sword closer.
“Then you’ll just have to ask Doffy himself where the devil fruit is.” I said crossing my arms defiantly as if there wasn’t a sword held perilously close to my jagular.

“What’s the condition then?” Law asked.

This was it. I closed my eyes and took a breath; “I want to join your crew.”

“What?” he asked.

“I want to join the Heart Pirates.” I told him, when he gave me a strange look I explained; “It’s the only way for me to be sort of safe from Doffy’s reach. You’re both Warlords, that must mean you’re hella strong.”

“You can’t go out on your own so you need the protection of someone who can take Doflamingo on should he come after you. Is that right?” he asked in an almost mocking tone that I chose to ignore.

“In return I take you to your precious Cora-san’s devil fruit.” I said.
He thought over it for a moment before pulling away his sword.

“Alright, I agree. But if you betray me I’ll cut you into so many pieces and scatter them into the oceans for the fish to eat.” He threatened, not that I cared.
A large smile bloomed on my face and without warning I pounced on him, wrapping my legs around his waist as I thanked him a dozen time.
He harshly pushed me to the floor and I think I might have bruised my tail bone.

“Don’t do that again.” He said annoyed but I was too happy to care. I was one step closer to my freedom.
“Aye Captain.” I said saluting, I thought I saw a smile threaten to appear at the corner of his lips but he kept his straight face on.

“Welcome to the crew (Y/N)-ya,” he said. “So where to?” he asked. I assumed he was talking about the location of the devil fruit so I told him;

“The Kingdom of Dressrossa.”

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