Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

                "I know where she is." Said the Mystery's voice they turned around seeing Ej. Everyone turned around to see Latrells enemy Ej. "Where is she?" Latrell asked angrily Ej held up his hand tell Latrell to lower his voice. "I think you should be nice to me." Ej said putting his arm on Latrells shoulder but he quickly slapped it off. "Ej we don't have time for your shit." Latrell said looking him straight in the eye. "Latrell be nice or I will just walk out that door." Ej said heading for the door. "Ej please tell us." Marlex said worrying. "She is taken care of." He said smiling evilly. "You bitch!" Latrell shouted running to tackle him but Unique and his friend Jordyn held him back. "Remember this I have your girlfriend." Ej said already at the door. "She's not my girlfriend." Latrell said getting free from Jordyn and Uniques grip, he ran over to him and started to punch him over and over again. "Where is she!" He kept yelling Ej started to fight back. Latrell started bleeding which gave Ej time to run away. "Latrell your face.." Unique said getting a towel. "Don't worry about me I'm fine." He said heading out Marlex's back door. "Come on we have to find her something bad might happen."

     They followed him walking threw woods they were following Latrell and he didn't really know where she was he was just searching. They forgot all about the guy that was shooting at them hours before."Hey what about our parents?" Jordyn asked jumping over a bush. Latrell took Unique and Jordyn's phone he was typing: Sorry mom but we have to find our friend we will be ok we are 17 now don't worry. He gave them there phones back Unique pulled a small handgun out his pocket. "Uh Unique where did you get that?.." Latrell asked stopping they stopped to. "I always had it I thought we might need it." Unique said leaning against a tree Marlex, Latrell, Unique, and Jordyn sat down below the tree. "Latrell we have to go back." Marlex said turning to see Latrells face. "Do you guys even care?" He asked, "Some friend you are Marlex." He told him. "I will keep watch since I have the knife." Unique said giving Latrell hope.

         "Guys do you hear that?" Jordyn asked it sounded like heavy footsteps. Unique hid behind a tree holding his knife it got closer. Marlex, Latrell and Jordyn went back farther. Unique heard it get as close as it would he pushed the figure on the ground pinning it down. Putting the knife to its throat. "Unique stop!" Maya screamed he did not know it was her. He got off her and helped her up. The rest came running back after they heard Maya scream. "Maya I am so sorry I-" He was cut off Maya kissed him Latrell out of anger took the knife from Unique and pointed it at Maya Unique slowly pushed her away. "Latrell give me my knife." He said trying to get back to reality. "No No No No. Thats not Maya." He said walking closer to her she hid behind Unique. "Latrell chill out this is obviously Maya." Marlex said. "No that is not Maya she would never do that." He said walking closer to her she backed away leaving her unprotected he threw the knife at her it hit her shoulder. She started running to get away Latrell chased she took the knife and yanked it out dropping it she screamed realizing it hurt. Unique Marlex and Jordyn ran after Latrell making sure Maya was Okay. "Latrell Come back don't hurt her!" Unique yelled. Marlex was the closest to Latrell he tackled him while Jordyn went over to Marlex. "Maya!" Unique yelled her name trying to see where she went.

      Unique and Maya were at Marlex's house it was already morning some how. "Latrell have you gone crazy?" Jordyn said. "Are you not listening to me that's not Maya now let me go!" Latrell said trying to get Marlex off him. "I'm not going to fight you Latrell." He said letting Latrell up but holding his arms back. They started to walk back to Marlex's house they already thought that Maya and Unique were there. Jordyn had left when they got to Marlex's house Maya stayed behind Unique the whole time which bothered Latrell. "So what happened?" Marlex asked her she shook her head not wanting to answer. "Can we all stay here I am to afraid to go home." Maya asked stuttering. "Yeah my mom won't be back for another 3 weeks." He said. Maya layed on the couch fast asleep while Marlex, Latrell and Unique where in Marlexs room. Unique went in the living room and layed down on the other couch. Latrell was sitting on a bed in a different room. Latrell saw that everyone was asleep he got out of bed and walked over to were Maya was he picked up Unique's knife that was left on the floor. Maya heard him and almost said something but Latrell covered her mouth with his hand. He raised the knife Maya screamed but you could not hear it.

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