Chapter 3 - The Battle

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Dedicated to RosildaJones
Bucky stepped out of the car, standing behind Steve, as a small girl got out of the back of the van. "Steve brought a child into this mess?" He thought, looking at her. In an instant, she was alert, flaring out her massive wings, and horns appeared at the top of her head. Her hands sizzled with ice, freezing the ground beneath her feet. She gripped two throwing knives like her life depended on it, turning her knuckles white. But, when he saw her metal leg, something in his brain clicked. "El?"
"Bucky?" She looked around fearfully, sensing the danger in the air. Elytra had been told that he wouldn't remember her, and was surprised he even knew her name. "Yeah." He said, and she moved to stand in front of him.
"Which Bucky?" She asked hesitantly, looking up at him with piercing green eyes.
"You throw knives." He said, voice hoarse. "They experimented on you."
Elytra nodded, but she whipped her head around, ice crackling between her hands. "What's going on, Steve?"
He turned to look at her, but Bucky cut in, "We should get moving."
"A chopper might help." Clint added. Alarms started to blare throughout the parking garage, and a man began rapidly speaking in a language Elytra did not understand. "They're evacuating the airport." Bucky sighed.
"Stark." Sam spat.
"Stark?" Scott asked.
Steve looked around at the group, before shouting, "Suit up!"
Elytra flicked her hand down her body, letting the ice form more flexible clothes around her. A black top with tight straps, ending just above the middle of her back. It wrapped around her legs, creating black shorts that rested just above her prosthetic. She watched the two men hash it out from a far distance away, in the parking deck. "And you've been a complete idiot." Tony started, "Dragging Clint into this, 'rescuing' Wanda and Elytra from a place they don't want to leave, a safe place. You brought a fourteen-year-old girl into this Steve! I'm trying to keep..." Tony paused for a moment. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."
"You did that when you signed." He said, defiance shining in his eyes.
"Alright, we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us now! Because it's us. Or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite."
Steve looked away. "Come on." Tony attempted to reason with him, clearly out of patience.
"We found it." Sam said through his ear piece, "Their quinjet's in hangar five, north runway."
Steve held his tied hands in the air, and Clint shot an arrow at it, breaking the webbing. "Alright Lang." Steve ordered, and a small figure appeared on top of Steve's shield, in Peter's hands. Scott grew larger, flipping off the plane with the shield in his hand. "I believe this is yours, Captain America."
"Oh, great." Tony sighed, "Alright, there's three in the parking deck. Two of them, El and Maximoff, I'm gonna grab them."
"Two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes." Rhodie responded, flying off with Tony.
"Barnes is mine!" Panther shouted, running into the terminal.
Steve threw his shield in the air, hitting Rhodie's suit, while Peter asked through his comm, "Mr. Stark, what should I do?"
"What we discussed." Tony responded, annoyed, "Keep your distance, web 'em up."
"Okay, copy that." Peter swung off.
Elytra watched the fight ensue as she ran with Clint and Wanda to the jet. She faintly heard the launching of missiles as the planes went up in flames beside them. "Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings." Tony said, aiming his repulsers at them.
"You locked me in my room."
"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you. Hey Clint." Tony greeted.
"Hey man."
"Clearly retirement doesn't suit you. Got tired of shooting golf?"
"Well, I played 18, shot 18. Just can't seem to miss."
He shot three arrows from his bow, all hitting miscellaneous spots in the air.
"Well, there's a first time for everything."
Clint smirked. "Made you look."
Wanda pulled cars from the parking deck above, sending them crashing into Tony. After they had disabled him, Elytra quickly stuck out her hands and made a thick layer of ice cover the pile, briefly trapping him under.
Steve and Scott fought Rhodie in the distance, while Tony broke free, sending ice and debris raining down on the three. They ran towards the quinjet, Elytra quickly spreading her wings and flying slightly above them. "There's our ride." Clint said, as Steve and Scott joined them. "Come on!" He yelled, Bucky and Sam sliding in from the right.
The group was about to reach the hangar, when a bright yellow light burned a line in the ground in front of them. Elytra hovered a few feet in the air, and looked up to see Vision towering above her. "Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you are doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now."
Tony, Natasha, Panther, Peter, and Rhodie stood below him, battle ready and raging. Elytra stepped down to stand to the right of Steve, who whispered, "Get to the hangar, El."
"What do we do, Cap?"
"We fight."
The group walked forward, slowly but steadily.
"This is gonna end well." Natasha muttered, as Tony's group stepped towards the others. As they got closer, Steve gave her a quick nod, and Elytra took off, towards the hangar. "Where's Elytra going, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked, to which Tony responded, "Get her."
Elytra flew to the hangar, and was about to reach the doors, when a string of web hit her wings and she plummeted to the ground. Groaning, she pushed herself up and forged a katana long enough to cut it off. The weapon formed in her hand, and she swung it towards her wings, cutting the webbing off. She looked back, to see Scott, bigger than the airport, holding Rhodie in his hand. "What in the-"
A voice cut her off. "Run El!" Steve shouted, Bucky running beside him. Elytra took off running, Steve and Bucky right behind her. Clint fought off the Panther, while Wanda threw cars at Rhodie. "Something just flew in me!" Scott yelled, and she looked back to see Vision aiming a yellow beam of light at the tower next to the hangar, right above her. "EL!" Bucky screamed, as her foot, the non-metal one, got caught under a falling panel, and she screamed. Wanda turned and lifted it off of her, holding the watch tower up. "Run!" She yelled, flying back to hover beside Wanda. Her leg was broken, so standing was impossible, but her wings hadn't been damaged during the fall.
She nodded at Wanda, and aimed the ice at the tower, as it wrapped around the base of the structure. Elytra and Wanda were both struggling to hold it up, but as long as Bucky and Steve made it through, they didn't care if they lost. Bucky looked back at her, and she said, barely a whisper, "Go."
He nodded, running under the building just before it collapsed in front of the hangar door. Rhodie shot a shock beam at them, which made Wanda cover her ears and Elytra cry out in pain. Her systems started to shut down, her wings twitching and falling to the ground. She looked up, and watched the jet fly away from the battlefield. With a small smile, she put her arms out to push herself up, but grimaced as they gave way and she fell back onto the concrete. Wanda sat up beside her, looking up at the approaching helicopters.
"We've got to get out of here, El." She whispered, getting up on shaky legs. Wanda wrapped her arms around Elytra, and hauled her to her feet. "Come on El, we can make it."
Elytra looked up. "Leave me." She whispered. "Are you kidding?" Wanda put El's arm around her shoulder, but Elytra fell to the ground as the copters fired numerous shock waves towards them. "We go down, we go down together." Wanda shot out her arms, causing the machines flying above them to come to a halt, fighting against the red energy pushing them away. "I'm sorry, El. I can't hold it any longer." Wanda screamed, and put her hands over her ears once again as the waves hit the two, sending painful shocks through their bodies.
Elytra's vision became blurry as the helicopters landed in a circle around them, and she weakly reached for Wanda's hand, and as their hands latched onto the others, her world turned red.
Word Count: 1445

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