Chapter 17 - The Life She Never Had

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Elytra pressed her hands against the cold, blue glass, trying to see the group of people on the other side. By the absence of movement, she assumed they were asleep. She could see the glint of her uncle's hammer by his hand, and looked up to see the smallest of a crack that it had made in the egg's surface. Another wave of nausea and pain hit, causing her to lean back and bite on her lip to keep herself from screaming, or crying, or both.
El's body was slowly repairing itself, and the agony was almost unbearable. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, and as the pain subsided, she wiped the blood from her chin. The tips of just-formed horns pressed against the newly grown skin on her forehead, giving her a pounding headache. As the horns tore through her skin, she was surprised to find no blood dripping down her nose.
The ice stretched out from the egg, forming the shape of the powerful wings she had once had, connecting to the burned-off ends attached to her back. It turned into a blazing blue fire, burning to reveal stronger, larger leathery black wings.
She almost let out a cry of joy, as she saw a shape walk through the door with a cylinder-like object in their hands. Before El could react, an orange flame engulfed the wall around her, green eyes lighting up like an ember.
The blowtorch did nothing against the thick layers of ice, and Tony muttered, what Elytra assumed were, several cuss words. Quickly counting the shapes in the room, she came up with the number eleven. ALL of them. Even Dr. Banner and Clint were in the compound, sleeping in a chair and on half of a couch.
A sudden surge of energy welled up inside of her, something she couldn't explain. It felt like belonging, love, hope, everything that she had never really had. And it felt good.
Her eyes lit up, as her hand closed itself into a fist, recoiled, and she threw the punch. And, almost like last time, the ice split in a million pieces.
A loud crash jolted the team awake, everyone on their feet in seconds, weapons poised. Looking up, they fell upon glowing green eyes and midnight wings. The pale ghost was staring straight at every one of them, horns stretching far above her head. Her wings glowed, and her fingers twitched with ice. Small tendrils stretched up from the ground, growing around her in a silken dress. El's metal leg glimmered with frost, along with the rest of her exposed skin. She looked down for a second, at Mjolnir, which Thor had mistakenly left by the egg, and with a steady hand, wrapped her fingers around the handle, and picked it up, before glancing at the awestruck figures in the doorway. And she smiled a beautiful, mischievous smile.

And that's it! The last chapter. I loved writing this, and hope you enjoyed Broken in Half.

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