Chapter 4 - The Cell

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Dedicated to lunapotter10
She woke in a dark, cold room. "This was supposed to be a nightmare." She thought. Elytra looked around, and a light flickered on above her. A robotic, now familiar voice echoed from the darkness, "Elentiya Laufeyson, daughter of Loki."
"Who the bloody hell are you, and how do you know my name!" She struggled against the restraints on her wrists, and felt the heavy weight of chains on her wings. Her metal leg had been removed, and her other leg was strapped down to the table. Elytra looked up into the dark, eyes scanning it for signs of life. A man came out of the darkness, but he wasn't faceless like in her nightmare. The scientist came out into the light surrounding the table, with a tray of objects. She saw the same two. An evil-looking shock collar, and the gloves. The gloves that would burn her, like at Hydra. "No!" She screamed, pulling harshly against the chains, trying to use her powers to break out, but the man forced the collar around her neck. The lock clicked shut, and anytime she tried to move or talk, it would sent a painful shock of electricity through her body. Elytra continued to fight for as long as humanely possible, but the agony sent her into the dark once again.
She woke in a cell, leaning against the wall, a voice ringing through the strong lights swinging down on her cage. "The Futurist, gentlemen. The Futurist is here! He sees all. He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not."
Clint. Elytra attempted to speak, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the collar sent a bone-chilling shock through her. She bit on her lip to keep from screaming, but that was apparently dangerous as well, for a smaller, still painful shock rippled through her body, making blood drip into her mouth and down her chin. "Give me a break, Barton." Tony.
"I had no idea they'd put you here, come on."
"Yeah well, you knew they'd put us somewhere Tony."
"Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey. This is a place for maniacs, this is a place for-"
"Criminals? Criminals, Tony. I think that's the word you're looking for. Right? That didn't used to mean me, or Sam, or Wanda, or El. Here we are."
"Because you broke the law." Tony argued. "I didn't make you. You read it, you broke it."
El could hear Clint humming over his words, before Tony cut him off.
"You're all grown up. You've got a wife and kids. I don't understand, why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side?"
"Gotta watch your back with this guy." He hissed, "there's a chance he's gonna break it."
Tony scoffed, walking over to Sam's cell. "How's Rhodes?"
"They're gonna fly him to Colombia Medical tomorrow so, fingers crossed. What do you need? They feed you yet?"
"You're the good cop now? You think you did the right thing? How about this, Tony? We have no idea where the hell Wanda is, and they dragged El in here unconscious with cut wings, burn-gloves, and a shock collar. You look at her and then you can tell me you've done the right thing."
"I'm just the guy who wants to know where Steve went..." Elytra couldn't hear what they were saying after that, but after about a minute, heard faint footsteps coming over to her cell. "El?" Tony asked. She looked up at him, the light drawn out of her dull eyes, and was about to throw a string of curses at him, but as soon as she made a sound, she was hit with a shock so large she screamed. But, she wasn't allowed to scream, so another shock trembled through her as she made her bottom lip bleed, sticky blood dripping own her chin. Elytra glanced up with raging eyes at Tony, who muttered, "That's enough." And stormed out of the room.
She received less painful shocks after that, assuming Tony probably threatened the crap out of them if they severely hurt her again. But that didn't stop the pain from being more frequent. El counted to pass the time, since humming let her receive blows as well. Every 120 seconds, she received a medium-sized shock, to tell her she wasn't going anywhere. Laying her head back, she heard the click of guns, and looked up to see two soldiers with heavy firearms opening the lock to her cell. The one on the left shot a tranquilizer into her neck, and she gratefully accepted the peace.
Elytra opened her eyes to the Secretary of State standing in front of her. "Hello, 'Elytra.' How nice to see you again." She didn't speak, even though she could feel the absence of the collar around her neck. Her wrists were tied to the ceiling, and her feet were tied to the stool she was sitting on, leaving her wings and back vulnerable to more blows. "Oh, don't worry, I don't care about those wings. But, if you don't tell me where Rogers and Barnes went, you won't have the other ones." Elytra stayed silent, glaring at him with dull, lifeless eyes. "Answer me!" He yelled, swinging a fist at the wall. She looked at him, and then stared at the ground, ignoring his anger. He reached behind her, and pulled out a collar, fastening it around her neck. "Let's see those horns."
El let out a ear-piercing scream, as the continuous waves of electricity surged through her. She tried to hold it in, but her wings flared, and her horns burst through the skin on her forehead. "Ah, there we go." He clapped, and put his hand behind her, pulling out a glowing, hot knife. Her knife.
"This is for the greater good, you know. You can't hurt anyone if you don't have these." He raised the knife, and swung it down above her head, and she watched her jet black horn fall onto the shimmering steel. Ignoring her struggling, he sliced her other horn, and strolled behind her. "Or these." And blood splattered onto the pristine silver floor.
Word count: 1038

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