Chapter 7 - The Birthday Cake

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Elytra stayed in her room for the next two days, and luckily, no one disturbed her. Thor had tried many times to go in and talk to her, but the others told him that she would come out when she was ready. Elytra continued to dance and paint long after the sun went down, and started long before it came up. She hadn't eaten, even though food was left by her door twice a day.
El sat on a stool by the wall, paintbrush in hand. She dipped it into the blue paint, and then swiped it across the wall, painting whatever came to mind. On this particular section, she was trying to recreate the ice spikes that covered her old room, the ones Pietro had done for her. It wasn't perfect, but she tried her best.
A stinging sensation came from her leg, and El looked down to see that a dot of paint had gotten on a cut, and she quickly wiped it off, sliding her finger over a towel.
"Elytra?" A gruff voice came from the door. Thor. When she didn't answer, the door opened a crack. "The Avengers would like you, if you are willing, to join us in the recreation room for a night of movies?" El hesitated, but nodded, holding up a finger and running into her closet, then to the bathroom. She came out in an oversized shirt and shorts, her hair tied up in a ponytail. Thor held out his hand for her, Mjolnir in the other, and she cautiously took it. They walked into the elevator at the end of the hall and came out in the lounge.
When the doors slid open, everyone looked up, but Elytra had set her gaze on the floor. She walked over to the kitchen area, trying to find things to make a cake. She changed, letting her wings through the holes in her shirt, as the cabinets were far too tall for her to reach. Steve was sitting on the bar stool by the counter, watching her every move. "What are you making, El?"
"A cake." She replied, "It's your birthday, why would I not?"
They were stunned. No one thought that she would remember, probably because Steve had only mentioned it once, when Bucky asked. But no, Elytra had remembered, and was going to make him a cake.
She spread all of the ingredients on the counter, and took out a massive bowl from the cupboard. After about an hour of mixing, another hour of baking, and a half hour of icing, El stood in front of her two tier creation with a hint of a smile on her face. "How old are you?" She asked, taking out a package of candles. Tony chuckled, "We are not putting that many candles on the cake."
Elytra sat in between Steve and Natasha, knees pulled up to her chest under a blanket. Steve had his arm around her, as she took bites of her third slice of cake. The movie played, Frozen, and her fingers tingled, started to freeze as the movie continued. But by the time the credits rolled, she was laying on Steve's shoulder, legs on Natasha's lap, sound asleep.
She woke, the sun beaming down from the cloudless sky, lighting up her paint-covered walls. No nightmares. Not a single evil, demonic thought haunted her dreams that night. El opened her eyes, blinking as a ray shone down on her bed. Moving to get down, she placed her hands on the side of the loft, and jumped. That, was not such a good idea. Her leg hit the side of the ladder on the way down, tearing her stitches and leaving her leg with blood trailing down it. "Crap." She thought. "Friday?"
"Yes, Elytra."
"Could you ask Tony what I'm supposed to do if I ripped my stitches?"
"Right away Miss."
Elytra staggered onto the ground, putting her leg out in front of her. Blood dripped down her leg, and she quickly snatched a towel from the floor, holding it over the opened wound. "El?" Tony knocked on the door, but let himself in anyway. "Damn, we need to wrap you in bubble wrap. What were you doing?"
"Climbing off my bed." El shrugged, as he pulled on the string, taking it out of her leg and taking a new piece, stitching her leg up like patchwork. "There. Try not to do anything else stupid, okay?"
She nodded, getting up and walking over to her paints. "Tell me when you run out!" Tony yelled from down the hall, causing Elytra to grin, picking up her brush. Music started to play in the background, as she began her next masterpiece.

Word count: 794 (sorry it's so short)

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Word count: 794 (sorry it's so short)

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