So my brother when i do things he tells on me and when he gets mad he hits me. So my brother got in trouble for getting fs in school and got his time online a day to one hour. Now he got his time to none. He got his tablet from the cabnet last night and i decided to wait til morning to tell my parents (it was midnight) and then he was (probably still is) on his phone and his data is turned off. And he logged on to the wifi. I told my parents about it. My dad is so mad. And he said when he got rid of all of his wifi he will not get another tablet and make him break that and his phone. And when we got out phones they said that we will not get another if we break it or run out the battery. So he will be so mad. And idk about his laptop. If they take his laptop from him i hope they give me it i want one 😂