(Friends names changed for cover so gay guy is named Kratos, straight guy is Llamar, and straight girl is.. Lets call her Lluvia)So today I was at Kratos' house and there was 2 other kids with us (his age a guy and girl both single I was the only one taken) and they were trying to see if Llamar was gay. I stayed out of it but Kratos and Lluvia gave him the gay test. First was holding hands for five minutes, Llamar kept going in the closet and under the bed. He went under the bed and his foot kept sticking out and they could not get him out so I jumped and sat onto his foot and he flew out. Then they had to cuddle. It took hours to do all of this. Then they had to kiss. Kratos and Lluvia decided lips. Then Llamar had to choose which he liked better. (Made on the 27th)