Chapter 3: Part 1

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I'd just like to thank all of you for posting nice comments on my stories. It seriously brightens my day. Love you! <3

Chapter 3

It took about an hour to explain the whole story to Gabriel. He nodded a few times to show he was listening and sometimes he would stop me to ask a question. It felt surprisingly good to finally be able to tell someone. I'd held these feelings inside of me for so long, not even attempting to bring them up with America. She was obviously uncomfortable with the topic and I never had it in me to risk hurting her.

When I finished speaking, I sighed and looked at Gabriel. His brow was furrowed in thought. I couldn't blame him for needing a moment to process what he'd just heard. Even I felt a little dizzy from remembering all those feelings and trying to put them into words.

He handed me America's picture, which I'd given him to look at. Gabriel waited for a second before muttering to me. "Sounds like one hell of a woman."

"You have no idea," I laughed listlessly. I tried out a half-smile, but it faded into a scowl.

Gabriel rose to his feet. He put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Stay strong, kid." He turned and exited the cell.

I wanted to call after him and ask him to stay. I simply despised the thought of being alone in here again. I was so used to the noise that always seemed to be in the palace. Whether it be the reassuring sound of the guards making their rounds, or the frantic yells of America's maids if something went a little wrong in planning, while America tried to soothe them and suppress laughter at their idle worries.

Here, it was dead silent and it set me on edge.

I always thought that I wanted a little peace and quiet. Now that I had it, I just wished something, anything, would happen. It had only been a few hours, but boredom was creeping its way into my head.

"Maybe sleep will help," I thought aloud. "At least it'll give me something to do."

So, I laid down on my back, looking up at the ceiling. I hugged my jacket to me as I started to feel my fingers to numb. I closed my eyes and prayed hypothermia wouldn't set in, though I doubted it was really as cold as I felt.

Surprisingly, sleep came easily. I welcomed the thought of escaping my situation for a few short hours.

I let myself start dreaming.

Father, Mom, America, and I sat around the the dining room table. We were all enjoying coffee and ice cream for dessert. America and I were sitting as close as our chairs would allow. Ever since we'd become engaged, we'd seen each other less than I'd liked. We savored meals, as they were the only time we could always count on seeing one another.

America and I were playing footsie under the table and I found myself holding back a smile at the silent flirting. She looked at me with a playful gleam in her eyes. I let out a small chuckle, earning me a stern look from my father.

"Do they think we don't know what they're doing?" Father whispered to my mother, loudly enough that I could hear. If I could hear it, then so could America. She pretended not to notice, but I knew she was hanging on to his every word.

I locked eyes with my father. Don't do it Father, I thought. I know what you're trying to do and I'm praying that you won't.

He knew what I was thinking, but didn't care. He continued whispering to Mom. "It's utter foolishness. Can't the future princess be able to be even slightly mature?"

America stiffened next to me and slowly withdrew her foot. She looked down at her hands and seemed to be blinking back tears.

I felt anger bubbling inside of me. I was so sick of his opinions! He didn't really know her, not like I did. He had no right to insult her like that, especially not when she could hear him.

"Clarkson!" My mother hissed harshly. It was the first time I'd seem her truly angry with him. It was no surprise considering I knew she absolutely adored America, almost as if she were America's actual mother.

"Shut up, Father," I said steadily, not letting my voice quiver. Father turned to me, glaring fiercely.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Father. Stop talking. Everyone here has no desire to listen to your negative comments about my fiancée."

Stunned silence surrounded us. No one stood up to the king. Ever.

I got to my feet, ready to finally show my father that I wasn't an ignorant, meek little boy like he thought. Oh no, I was so much more. I would teach him there was no way I'd let him disrespect America like that.

"Maxon," America pleaded. "Don't do this. Just let it go. I'm okay."

She put her hand on my arm, trying to pull me back into my seat so we could move on without having a huge confrontation. I removed my arm gently from her grip. I wasn't going to let this go so easily.

I took a breath and steeled myself so that I wouldn't back down like I used to.

"I'm so damn tired of your hostility towards America! Every time I turn around, there you are trying to make me doubt myself. If I'm going to be king one day, shouldn't I be confident in my decisions? You know what? I don't care what you think! Proposing to America was probably the best choice I've ever made! There's no way you'll make me back out of this. So you need to get over it and stop being so freaking antagonistic all the time! I can't stand if anymore, Father! If you keep this up, I swear I'll give up my crown and take America away from here to get married!"

My chest rose and fell rapidly with my breathing. By the end, I'd been shouting at my father. I glared at him intensely, looking him straight in the eyes. He kept his face emotionless, but I could sense his shock.

I broke eye contact and turned to America. My face softened at the sight of her. Her mouth hung slightly open and her eyes twinkled with appreciation.

Thank you, she mouthed.

I nodded and put a hand on her cheek. I said to her tenderly, "I apologize for raising my voice, but I had to defend you." I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. Yeah, I'd definitely give up my crown for a life with her.

When I pulled away, I turned to my mom. "Excuse me, mother. I'll be going up to my room. Sorry for the disturbance."

I aimed my next sentences at Father. "It really is a shame I have to go. We were having so much fun."

I spun on my heel and headed for the door. I caught America's eye and tugged my ear. She nodded slowly. I exited, feeling all eyes on me.

I awoke from my dream suddenly. Well... it was more like a memory. That was the day I'd finally stood up to Father. I wonder why I dreamed that.

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