Chapter 22

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Song: Still Into You by Paramore

Chapter 22

Sunlight streamed in through the curtains, waking me up. I blinked a few times before realizing where I was. Memories of the night before made me smile as I looked to America, whose head rested against my bare chest as she slept, her hand resting over my heart. I sighed contentedly. I could wake up like this every day, with my wife. Her face would be the first thing I saw each morning. It would be exactly as it should be.

After savoring a minute of peace, I kissed her forehead and got out of bed. I noticed that the suitcases were actually in the room, to my surprise. I'd thought the man had put them right inside the door. I'd have to thank him again later. I pulled out the only t-shirt I owned and pajama pants. I tugged on the shirt and put the pants on over my boxers before heading downstairs.

My stomach growled as I walked into the kitchen. America had insisted that we would make our own food while we were here, so there was no breakfast waiting on the table. Of course, that wasn't good for me considering I was useless when it came to cooking. How hard could it be, though? Put some eggs in a pan and put them on the stove. It seemed easy enough.

I moved to the fridge pulling out a carton of fresh eggs and grabbed a pan and bowl from a cabinet. I cracked the eggs and emptied them into the bowl. Taking a whisk, I beat the eggs, deciding on making scrambled eggs instead of sunny-side up. Satisfied with my work, I put the pan on the electric stove and turned on the heat. I let it get hot before pouring the eggs into the pan.

There that wasn't so bad.

I watched them for a while. They didn't look exactly like the ones I got at the palace, but I hoped they would be at least decent. They looked a little too stiff, but maybe that was how it worked. The eggs went from firm to fluffy. I realized how little I actually knew about cooking.

My attention was drawn from the stove when I saw America making her way down the stairs, a silk robe tied loosely over her simple pajamas. She yawned as she pulled her hair into a messy bun. When she saw me, she smiled and walked over. I grinned back at her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Good morning, beautiful," I sighed happily.

"Morning," America replied as she put her hands on my shoulders.

"So, how was your night?"

She smirked at me mischievously, obviously remembering every detail of the night before. "It was positively amazing. I'd have to say it was the best night of my life."


"Yeah. How about you? Did you do anything fun?"

I tilted my head, pretending to think about it. "I guess so. I was with you, wasn't I?"

America giggled lightly. She kissed me on the lips for a minute, making my toes curl. It wasn't filled with sparks that set my body on fire. It was something deeper and safer, something familiar. America wasn't just my girlfriend or my fiancée anymore. She was my wife, part of my family.

Unfortunately, I had to pull away. I wanted to tell her about my surprise. Her eyelids fluttered open after a second. "What?" she asked.

"I made you breakfast," I said softly. Her eyes widened in shock.


"Yes, seriously. It's cooking on the stove at this very second."

America peeked over my shoulder to look at the eggs. "Do you mean the flaming, brown lump in the pan?"

"No, I meant the eggs- wait. What?"

She pointed and I spun around to face the stove. In the pan, sat a fiery glob of eggs. After staring in panic for a second, I ran to the pantry to grab a fire extinguisher. I brought it out to the kitchen. Pulling out the safety pin, I aimed and sprayed at the fire until it died out.

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