13: venus

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please let me know what you think of this chapter! no one really comments on this story anymore :( we're almost at the end, y'all!


The six of us are shoved into the back of an ominous van, handcuffs tightly secured over our skinny wrists, though they still cause a slight pain. We are forced to sit down and become prey to the men before us—Arthur, his devil son, and his idiotic hypnotist. They all watch us amusingly, distinguished by what they have managed to achieve: captured the six Horsemen in attempts of revenge for what we have bestowed upon their dysfunctional family.

The feeling of handcuffs isn't all too familiar. The last and only time I've ever previously had some latched onto me was back in New York when the Horsemen were being interrogated as suspects in a Paris bank robbery. It was back when Dylan was the antagonist in our wild story, only to end up revealing himself as one of us the entire time.

It was a thrill of an adventure. This is nothing in comparison.

My eyes narrow menacingly when Chase begins to speak. He raises his shaded sunglasses and points to each and every one of us, reading our expressions and revealing our true emotions. When he points to me and says, "Anger," I can't help but scowl, though it does no good in intimidating him. If anything, it only causes him more hysteria.

"That's enough," Arthur says. Even he has grown tired of Chase's consistent bugging.

Merritt innocently opens his mouth. "I was done..."

Arthur's low and pacifying voice fills the small room we have in the back of the vehicle. His delicate words bounce off the walls, straight into our ears as we are forced to listen to how calm and relaxed this man is. We all know that whatever he is planning to do, it should not render him as undisturbed as he is.

"So nice to see you all again. But since we're such old friends, let's skip the formalities. One of you has something we require. So give it over."

No one speaks. Our bodies silently shift in the moving vehicle, the driver following his orders in taking us to a place that I can assume will not be so luxurious. Few menacing glares are sent in their direction. I even catch a glimpse of Dylan rubbing his eyes with a single finger, subtly giving the men his symbolic middle finger.

"Nothing?" Walter questions to all of us, but I can feel his eyes burning onto the side of my head. "At all? Really?"

Danny gives the faintest of chuckles, angered that he cannot do anything to retaliate on Walter. Dylan, on the other hand, tests his limits by attempting to raise out of the seat and pounce on Walter. To no avail, the guard pushes him down forcefully and grabs onto his cuffs, ordering him to sit back down.

Sooner than later, we feel the vehicle power down to a complete stop. Not even a second passes before the back doors are yanked open and dozens of Walter's men are at his service. Chase is the first to walk out the vehicle, Walter following while we are handled by his guards and escorted to what awaits us.

"Let's go, let's go!" Walter orders. Rough hands enclose over my arms, enough to leave bruises later on. "Hurry up and move them quickly before they can do anything."

"Get those lights off me!" Arthur commands, squinting at the many flashlights pointed in our direction.

Once I can see what exactly it is that we are being led to, my feet begin to dig into the ground. My guard attempts to push me forward and I accidentally bump into Lula. I start to shake my head at the sound of the plane's engines roaring, my biggest fear consuming all of my emotions.

VENUS 13 - JACK WILDER [2]Where stories live. Discover now