First Day

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Today was super fun! Claire and I went to Magix, and she bought me this traveler's guide. I can't wait to read it.

But something weird has been going on with me. I've been feeling strange, and my magic is even more out of control than usual. I need a walk..

It's about 11:52 at night. Claire is asleep and my other roommates haven't arrived yet.

Agh i forgot to save my work and now it's all gone! Long story short: Anna's classes are disasters for all different reasons. She goes to Flight 101 and meets two new girls, who we're about to meet..

"Hi, I'm Anna," I say. 

The girl looks up and smiles. "Hi, I'm Evelyn. And I can't transform, either."

"Noted," says another girl. This one has short brown hair and is wearing lots of glitter.

"Gaia!" Evelyn says. "Where have you been? I had to give Grizelda some excuse about your portal access being removed!"

"I was putting on my power-focusing bracelets." 

Evelyn snatches them and shoves them into her old bag. "You aren't supposed to be using these for class! And this is the last time you ever borrow one of my inventions and claim it as yours, too."

Wow. She designed those herself? "Impressive," I say. 

"Thanks," Evelyn replies. "I was just sitting in my room and fiddling around with bits and pieces, and then I started thinking about all these fairies that had trouble focusing their magic, and voila!"

"You forgot to mention the previous 5 versions you made," Gaia teased. "Didn't they all blow up?"

"Hey!" Evelyn said. "That only happened with the first three!"

I laugh and pick up one of the bracelets. It's plain silver and doesn't look like anything special, but I can feel the power emitting from it. OK, this is getting scary! 

But I'm saved from freaking out, because the teacher enters. She's surprisingly young- only a couple years older than us. But apparently she's a Believix Fairy and likes to share stuff with us about her adventures. She also has these small wings that allow her to fly without actually transforming. Almost like a witch, I guess..

So today is partner-up day. The teacher says we'll be partnering up with people who are at the same skill level as us (whether it's Charmix, Enchantix, or can't-transform-ix. Just joking on that last one.)

Gaia partners up with a girl named Mia, and Evelyn and I partner up. Since neither of us can transform (even though I haven't told the teacher that, she kinda figured it out), we make a pretty good match. The only spell I know is the Moon Blast I used back in Solaria's palace, and Evelyn doesn't know much more than me.

"Moon Blast!" (me)

"Warm Spring!" (Evelyn)

Class continues like that for us. But halfway in, things begin to change. And by change, I mean I learn a new spell- Essence of the Night! YES!

Fairy of The Moon: A Winx StoryWhere stories live. Discover now