Stranger Than Usual

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The rest of my day is pretty good. But Gaia and Evelyn follow me back to my dorm, which is a little weird, until I find out that they're our 'mystery' roommates! Now we have a full dorm!

All of us decide to go out to Magix for dinner again, to get to know each other better. Turns out that Evelyn has no living family except for her younger sister, and she invents to distract herself from it. Apparently Faith's power is super unstable, and she usually doesn't socialize, and Gaia is a princess but doesn't like to advertise it.

"What about you?" Faith asks me. "Tell us something about you!"

Uh oh. The only interesting tidbit I have about me is also embarassing. With a sigh, I admit who I really am.

"I was a servant up until last week," I say. "But then I got freed by Princess Stella and here I am!"

Forks fall to the plates with much noise. I look up, and every one of them is staring at me with their mouths open- except for Evelyn. I guess she's used to keeping her emotions in check, but suddenly everything begins to spin and we all fall to the ground. 

"What was that?" asks Gaia. She has an incoming bruise on her knee.

It's weird.. Everything LOOKS the same, but it isn't. The signs and stores look younger, if that's even possible, but it is! Somehow..

"This is ridiculous," says Faith. "I must be dreaming, right? Did we just.. Travel in time?"

"That can't be right," I say. "Can it? Oh, I am so confused!"

All of us stand up, wobbling on our feet. We head back to Alfea but notice something weird.

"Uh, guys?" I say, and point. The Winx are dressed in outfits from last year! That can't be possible! Unless..

I dig around in my pocket and find something. Apparently, Stella slipped a Stone of Memories shard into my jeans! Which means that we're stuck in last year, and that could be a problem..

Fairy of The Moon: A Winx StoryWhere stories live. Discover now