Prologue: I lost my Fearow

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An old veteran trainer was walking back through one of his first routes, watching the small Pokémon scamper around and play. He continued staring until a voice echoed through the forest, "Fearow! Fearow!" A young boy ran into the man and fell onto the ground.

He asks the child "Yo kid, you lose your starter or somethin'?"

The kid replied with "yeah, it's my Fearow. He flew off after some Raticate and now I can't find him. The man was bewildered. He thought to himself, goddamn, who gets a kid a Fearow as a starter?

"Your Parents uh get you that Fearow?" He was going to have some words with the kids parents if that was the case. The child is still looking in trees and bushes to find his dear Pokémon.

"No, caught 'em by myself out by the power plant, saved up and brought the greatball myself and everything!" He face was proud and happy. The veteran trainer was thinking, weird, there's no Fearow out by the power plant, meh, maybe one flew out there by accident.

A storm front rolls in and the kid says, "welp, there's my Fearow. Finally." The old trainer feels his heart stop as a giant yellow bird swoops down, surrounded by pulses of electricity. The bird lands next to the child and starts preening his hair.

"That's not a Fearow." Is the only thing the older trainer could get out of his mouth.

"What are you blind or something mister?" Says the little kid. "He's got the spiky Fearow feathers and everything. I can't believe you call yourself a trainer. Come on Fearow, let's go and find a real trainer to battle." The child walks off with his 'Fearow' following closely behind.

The man was in complete shook, the only things he could muster were "what just happened?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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