Chapter Seven

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"Well...ummm..." "FOUND THEM!"  Really, Louis?  Really?  I want to get a rock, and throw it at him...repeatedly... "No!  We were right in the middle of making out, Louis!  You ruin everything."  Niall said trying to be as serious as possible.  "OH GOD."  Louis ran out and slammed the door.  "Nevermind, guys!"  Louis screamed to everyone.  I laughed so hard, but was trying to be quiet.  He smiled but I could tell that he was still thinking about what I said.  I just sat there and waited, because I didn't want him to feel pressured or anything, but the suspense was killing me.  He surprised me by grabbing my hand, and placing it in his.  "Ashley, I really want to say that I like you, but-" "I get it Niall.  But you don't.  That's ok, how could I ever think that Niall Horan likes me?"  I crawled out from under the clothes, and stood up.  "Ash, wait."  I kept walking never turning back to hear what he had to say.  Honestly, I didn't care, because I didn't want him to hear him tell me how I'm not pretty, or skinny enough.  I couldn't hold the tears back any longer.  I walked out to the living room where the boys were, but kept my head down.  "Ash!  I was starting to worry.  You're a good hider."  I completely ignored Liam, and walked out the door, slamming it behind me.  Someone came out when I was about half way down the hall.  I was expecting it to be Niall so I turned around and said, "Niall, just stop!  I don't want to hear it!"  I turned around to see a very confused Liam standing there.  "Oh, sorry.  Thought you were Niall."  I said with tears still streaming down my face.  "What happened, Ash?  Did Niall say something?"  "No, I'm just too stupid to realize anything.  That's all."  I sighed.  "What happened?  You don't have to tell me."  I looked up at him, and broke down.  "H-he doesn't l-ike m-me."  I said in between sobs.  "What?  But he told me he did.  What did he say when you asked him?"      "Nothing.  Just leave it."   "Ok, love.  I'm terribly sorry."  He gave me a big hug, but I didn't ever want to let go.  It felt so good to be loved, and to feel like someone cares for you.  "Thanks, Liam.  You're the best at cheering people up."  "No problem, glad I could help.  So where are you going?"  I wasn't really sure, honestly.  "I just need some air.  I'll be back later sometime."  "Alright. You can have my room.  Oh, and Kat's mom mae her come home."  He smiled and walked back to their appartment door.  I made my way out into the fridgid cold air, and sat on the stairs to the building.  I got out my phone, and tapped on twitter.  '@NiallOfficial:  What just happened? </3'  He seriously tweeted this to the whole world to see? I'll tell you what happened.  You just broke my heart and don't even care, you useless piece of CRAP! Ughhh some people.  I started crying again, and I threw my phone at the sidewalk.  It had an OtterBox on it, so it wouldn't be harmed.  I put my head in my hands, and continued to sob.  "Ermm, I think you kinda threw something?"  A male voice said.  I looked up, and wiped my eyes.  There was a (very attractive) boy standing right in front of me, and he was holding my phone.  "Oh, thanks."   "No problem.  I'm Trey."   Nice to meet you, Trey.  I'm crying.  "I'm Ashley."  "And what is a pretty girl like you doing out here so late at night?"  I blushed a little.  "Oh, uhhh...I'm just getting some air."  "I see.  Well would you like to come up to my appartment and get some air, by any chance?  Maybe have a drink?"  Really?  Oh, what the heck.  I'm underage but oh well.  "Sure, I'd love to."  He held out a hand to help me up.  We walked upstairs to his appartment, which was on the same floor as the boys, of course.  His appartment was pretty, but nothing like theirs.  It wasn't quite as big either.  "Beer?"  I nodded, taking it from him.  "So, do you live around here?"  Oh gosh.  I'm not going to tell him I live with One Direction.  "Yeah, but I'm just staying with a friend here."  "Oh, ok."  *buzz buzz*  I looked at my phone.  It was a text from Liam.  I ignored it, and kept drinking.  Five minutes later *buzz buzz* another text from Liam.  I ignored it again.  6 beers and 20 texts later, I decided I should go.  "It's getting kinda late, and my friend is probably worried.  Thanks for the drinks. I'll see you around, Trey."  I stood up and smiled.  "No problem, Ashley.  Nice meeting you."  He seemed like a really nice guy.  I walked to their appartment door, and opened it.  Liam, and Louis were the only ones up.  I tried to sneak behind them, and go up to Liam's room, but he saw me.  "Ashley, where have you been?!  I've been worried sick about you!"  Louis said.  "Knowhere.  I'm going to bed."  He walked up to me, and grabbed my hand before I could go any further.  "Ashley, are you sure you're ok?"  "Yes, I'm fine."  He raised his eyebrows.  "Ashley, please tell me that's not alcohol I smell."  "Ok, it's not.  I'm going to bed now."  I tred to pull away, but his grip tightened.  "Look me in the eyes, a nd tell me it's not."  I couldn't do that.  He hasn't ever done anything to me.  "I-I can't."  "You're underage.  Where did you go to get alcohol?"  I thougt of every possible place besides Trey's house.  "A friends."  He looked down.  "Who?"  "Trey."  His eyes were wide open.  "Trey?  Trey Tompkins?"  I shrugged.  I didn't know his last name.  "Stay away from him.  He's nothing but trouble."  I rolled my eyes.  "Can I just go to bed now?"  He slowly let go of my arm, and sighed.  I ran into Liam's room, and quickly got under the covers, falling asleep.  


"Mom?  Where are you?"  I was walking down a long path that never seemed to stop, and either side was surrounded by a never-ending downfall.  "Ashley! Run!"  I turned to see my mom struggling to free herself from a man dressed in all black.  He had a gun, and pointed it at me.  I ran in the opposite way, and I heard a gunshot.  I never felt the impact of the bullet.  I turned to see my mother laying lifelesss on the floor, but the man was gone.  I continued to run the opposite way, until I ran into the man.  He was aiming at me again, and I got on my knees begging him not to kill me.  He smirked.  *BOOM*

*End of dream*

I woke up, my heart was racing, I was sweating, and I couldn't go back to sleep.  I looked at my phone, and it was 1:45.  Who should I go to? Zayn still isn't talking to me, Louis already had to deal with me enough today,  I'll go get Liam. I grabbed my phone, and I walked downstairs to the couch where Liam was.  "Liam?"  I whispered.  "Go away, mum."  "It's Ashley."  I giggled.  "Gooo awayyy it's sleepy time."  I guess I could go get Harry...I stood up and went to Harry's room.  He was still awake, and was playing on his phone.  Of course, he didn't have a shirt on, so I was trying not to stare at is perfect body.  "Ashley?  Why are you up so late?"  I walked into the middle of his room, and he turned the lamp on.  "I...had a bad dream.  Can I sleep in the floor in here?"   "Come sleep in the bed.  It's much comfier up here."  He winked at me, and patted on the bed. I laughed, and sat on the bed next to him.   "Thanks, Hazz-I mean Harry."  I said as I blushed.  I'm such a fangirl.  He laughed, and got his phone back out.  Igot my phone out, and decided to check twitter.  One said 'HarryStyles: You don't know you're beautiful.'  I commented underneath it, 'Awww @Harry_Styles isn't always a perv? ;) you boobear!'  He laughed when he got it, then commented back.  'I'm not your boobear!  Now, get out of my bed this instant!'  "Harry!  You really are a perv all the time."  I put my phone down on the bed, and rolled over so that I was facing him.  His lamp was still on, and I could see his perfectly toned chest.  He really was perfect.  Almost as perfect as Niall.  I was still checking him out when he cleared his throat.  "Like what you see?"  He smirked.  I blushed big time, and he laughed.  "I'm going to sleep now, Harold.  Goodnight.  Please don't try to rape me in my sleep."  I rolled over, and he turned the light off.  "I'll try, but no promises.  You're just so cute."  I could practically see the smile on his face, even though it was pitch black in his room.  He started snoring a while later, so I put my back against him.  He wrapped his arms around me, and got closer.  I fell asleep almost instantly.  

Ooooh!  What do you think is going to happen next?  Yeah, It's 2:15 a.m. and I'm just writing...nbd...:) 


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